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Table 2.22 and Figure 2.4 show the inputs to mills that produce wood-based panels in the UK.  The mills used a total of 3.8 million tonnes of material in 2018, representing a 1% increase from 2017.  The inputs in 2018 comprised 1.2 million green tonnes of roundwood (32%), 1.6 million green tonnes of sawmill products (42%), 0.9 million tonnes of recycled wood fibre (23%) and 0.1 million tonnes (3%) of imports.

Table 2.22 Inputs to wood-based panel mills, 2009-2018

Year UK roundwood1  Sawmill products  Imports2  Total  
Soft wood Hard wood Soft wood Hard wood Soft wood Hard wood Soft wood Hard wood Recycled wood fibre3,4
thousand green tonnes
2009 1135 1 1435 0 0 0 2570 1 1065
2010 1375 1 1631 0 7 1 3013 2 1120
2011 1417 1 1779 0 0 0 3196 1 952
2012 1269 2 1851 0 0 0 3120 2 909
2013 1263 0 1709 0 0 0 2972 0 853
2014 1283 0 1809 0 0 0 3092 0 812
2015 1334 0 1687 0 12 5 3033 5 852
2016 1248 0 1749 0 10 29 3007 29 838
2017 1059 0 1726 0 0 22 2785 22 923
2018 1210 1 1566 0 30 74 2806 75 877

Source: Wood Panel Industries Federation


1. UK roundwood derived from stemwood.

2. Imports include roundwood, wood products and products from imported wood.

3. Recycled wood fibre is wood fibre recovered from both pre- and post-consumer wood waste for use in wood-based panel production.  It comprises wood originally grown in the UK and wood originally grown in forests outside the UK.

4. Quantities are as delivered, with an assumed average moisture content of 25%.  To convert to green tonnes (assuming moisture content of 52%), multiply by 1.56.

Figure 2.4 Inputs to wood-based panel mills

Fig 2.4v2.png


1. Recycled wood fibre data not available before 1999.

Source: Wood Panel Industries Federation

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