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In 2015, deliveries of UK roundwood (softwood and hardwood) totalled 10.8 million green tonnes, a 6% decrease from the previous year (Tables 2.5 and 2.6).

Most UK roundwood deliveries (95%) were softwood and totalled 10.3 million green tonnes in 2015 (Table 2.5). 6.2 million green tonnes (60% of UK softwood deliveries) were used by sawmills, an 8% decrease from the previous year. A further 1.6 million green tonnes were used for wood fuel (7% increase), 1.3 million green tonnes were used to produce wood-based panels (4% increase), 0.4 million green tonnes by integrated pulp and paper mills (a 6% decrease), and 0.7 million green tonnes for other uses (22% decrease), including round fencing, shavings and exports of roundwood.

The increase in softwood deliveries for woodfuel in recent years reflects an increase in wood use for heating and energy production in the UK (see the Sources’ chapter for further information).

Table 2.5 Deliveries of UK-grown softwood, 2006-2015
Year Sawmills Pulp mills Wood-based
Fencing Woodfuel1 Other2 Exports Total
thousand green tonnes
2006 5 210 481 1 365 274 100 114 643 8 187
2007 5 565 472 1 362 319 200 113 759 8 790
2008 4 933 515 1 219 359 300 128 733 8 187
2009 5 133 511 1 135 367 650 160 347 8 304
2010 5 616 428 1 375 349 900 135 467 9 269
2011 5 859 453 1 417 363 900 145 585 9 722
2012 6 073 461 1 269 338 1 000 154 535 9 831
2013 6 407 465 1 263 332 1 250 191 640 10 547
2014 6 725 465 1 283 317 1 500 188 437 10 915
2015 6 166 435 1 334 298 1 600 164 276 10 273

Source: industry surveys, industry associations.


1. Woodfuel derived from stemwood, includes estimates of roundwood use for biomass energy. The figures are estimated by the Expert Group on Timber and Trade Statistics, and from 2008 made use of woodfuel data reported in the Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey.

2. Includes shavings and poles. Quantities for some uses are estimates by the Expert Group on Timber and Trade Statistics.

Figure 2.1 Deliveries of UK-grown softwood


Source: industry surveys, industry associations.

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