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UK production accounted for 36 of the UK sawnwood market, 51% of the UK wood-based panel market and 44% of the UK paper market in 2015 (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2 Apparent consumption of wood products1,2 in the UK, 2015
Product UK
Imports Exports Apparent
Sawnwood (thousand m3)
Coniferous 3 449 5 888 167 9 170
Non-coniferous 44 435 20 459
Total 3 493 6 323 187 9 629
Wood-based panels
(thousand m3)
Veneer sheets 0 15 3 12
Plywood 0 1 468 45 1 422
Particleboard 2 324 970 167 3 127
Fibreboard 756 764 71 1 449
Total 3 080 3 217 286 6 011
Paper & paperboard
(thousand tonnes)
Graphic papers 1 053 3 384 303 4 134
Sanitary & household papers 772 244 17 999
Packaging materials 1 894 2 149 373 3 670
Other paper & paperboard 251 145 115 281
Total 3 970 5 922 808 9 084

Source: industry surveys, industry associations, UK overseas trade statistics (HM Revenue & Customs).


1. Excludes other wood products, e.g. fuelwood and round fencing.

2. Excludes roundwood and intermediate products (e.g. sawmill products, pulp and recovered paper) to avoid double-counting.

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