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Forestry Banner Structure and Governance

Chief Executive

Prof James Pendlebury, CEO

Has overall responsibility for achieving the objectives and targets set for Forest Research.


Led by the Departmental Chief Scientist (Prof Chris Quine)

Our staff are organised into the following centres:

  • Centre for Forest Protection (led by Christine Wilson)
  • Centre for Forest Management (led by Chris Hardy)

These Centres provide a focus and context for our research programmes and points of contact for our partners and customers.

Inventory, Forecasting and Operational Support (IFOS)

Led by Nicol Sinclair

  • The National Forest Inventory
  • Forecasting
  • Statistics
  • Spatial data acquisition, hosting, management and distribution
  • Spatial data capture
  • Business analysis
  • Development and support of Forester GIS

Corporate Services

Led by Paula Rice, Director of Finance and Corporate Services

  • Finance and Contract Management
  • Human Resources
  • Information technology
  • Communications
  • Programmes and Estates

Forest Research Board

  • Chair of the Forestry Commissioners
  • Forest Research Chief Executive
  • Departmental Chief Scientist
  • Forest Research Director of Finance and Corporate Services
  • Forestry Commission Chief Executive Officer
  • Non-executive Forestry Commissioner
  • Scottish Government representative
  • UK Government representative
  • Welsh Government representative
  • Non-executive Member × 2

Forest Research Board attendance 2023/24

Forest Research Board Terms of Reference

Forest Research Board Terms of Reference

Registers of Interest

Forest Research Board RoI

Forestry Commissioners’ RoI

Forestry Commission Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC)

Information about the Forestry Commission’s ARAC, its role and membership is available on

Modern Slavery

Pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, as an executive agency of the Forestry Commission their statement on modern slavery also applies to Forest Research.