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Table 1.7 presents the area of broadleaves, broken down by age class, ownership and country.

Around one half (53%) of the broadleaved area was occupied by stands of 40 years old or younger (Table 1.7). More than one quarter (28%) of stands were aged over 60 years.

Table 1.7 Stocked woodland area in GB by ownership and age class: Broadleaves

Age class (years) England Wales Scotland GB
thousand hectares    
0-20 8 7 11 25
21-40 6 2 5 13
41-60 13 2 4 19
61-80 13 2 4 19
81-100 4 1 2 7
100+ 10 3 5 18
All age classes 54 16 32 102
Private sector2        
0-20 217 30 84 332
21-40 227 33 84 344
41-60 145 22 58 225
61-80 117 15 22 154
81-100 92 11 9 112
100+ 51 10 7 67
All age classes 849 121 265 1235
0-20 225 37 95 357
21-40 232 36 90 357
41-60 157 24 63 244
61-80 130 17 26 173
81-100 97 12 11 119
100+ 61 12 12 85
All age classes 902 137 297 1235

Source: National Forest Inventory: 50-year forecast of hardwood availability (Forestry Commission, April 2014), (supporting data).


1. FC: Forestry Commission (England, Scotland and Wales).

2. Private sector: all other woodland. Includes woodland previously owned/managed by the Countryside Council for Wales and the Environment Agency in Wales, other publicly owned woodland (e.g. owned by local authorities) and privately owned woodland.

3. Stocked area only: excludes felled areas and (for private sector land) open space.

4. Areas at 31 March 2012.

These figures are outside the scope of National Statistics

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