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Information on employment in primary wood processing is obtained annually via the sources used to collect data on UK-grown timber (presented in Chapter 2).

There was estimated to be a total of 7.8 thousand full time equivalent staff employed by primary wood processors in the UK in 2016 (Table 7.2), a 4% increase from the total for 2015.

Around three fifths (57%) of the total employment in 2016 worked in sawmills and over one quarter (29%) worked in wood-based panel mills.

Table 7.2 Employment in primary wood processing, 2012-2016

Year Sawmills Pulp & paper Wood-based panels Fencing Total
full-time equivalents
2012 4133 716 2076 370 7295
2013 4133 716 2111 381 7342
2014 4382 703 2091 407 7583
2015 4319 702 2100 361 7483
2016 4450 697 2250 388 7785

Source: industry surveys, industry associations.


1. Some businesses operate sawmills and round fencing mills. Employment for such businesses may be recorded under sawmills, round fencing manufacturers or shared between the two categories.

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