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Day visitors to Northern Ireland Forest Service sites

Information on visitors to Forest Service sites in Northern Ireland is provided by the Forest Service and relates only to sites where an admission charge is made.

In Northern Ireland in 2017-18, 509 thousand people visited those Forest Service sites where an admission charge was made (Table 6.8). This represented a 13% decrease from the previous year, but remained higher than the level in earlier years.

Table 6.8 Day visitors to Northern Ireland Forest Service sites1

Year Visitors to Forest Service sites
2008-09 451
2009-10 473
2010-11 468
2011-12 430
2012-13 340
2013-14 364
2014-15 397
2015-16 432
2016-17 584
2017-18 509

Source: Forest Service


1. Number of people visiting sites where an admission charge was made, excluding campers.

These figures are outside the scope of National Statistics.  For further information see the Source chapter.

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