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The Annual Business Survey (ABS), carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), includes statistics on employment broken down by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2007). In wood processing, SIC 16 (wood products) and SIC 17 (pulp, paper and paper products) have a much wider scope than the data on employment in primary wood processing (Table 7.2), as they include primary processing of imported material and also some secondary processing.

The Annual Business Survey recorded average employment in 2015 of 17 thousand in forestry and 26 thousand in primary wood processing (sawmilling, panels and pulp & paper) (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1 Employment in forestry and wood processing2, 2011-2015

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)1 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Forestry 14 15 14 16 17
Wood products          
Sawmilling 8 8 8 9 8
Panels 4 5 5 5 5
Secondary products 46 53 51 65 56
Total 58 66 64 79 69
Pulp, paper & paper products          
Pulp & paper 13 13 13 13 13
Articles of paper & paperboard 45 45 41 44 43
Total 58 58 54 57 56
Total wood processing 116 124 118 136 125
Total primary wood processing 25 26 26 27 26

Source: Annual Business Survey – average employment in year (Office for National Statistics, June 2017)


1. Categories are based on the UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2007)categories. Further details on the SIC codes used are provided in the Sources: Employment and businesses page.

2. Excludes other wood-using industries.

3. Pulp and paper breakdowns for 2011 to 2015 have been suppressed in the figures released by ONS. The figures shown here are estimated from 2008 figures.

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