How will expansion of the woodfuel sector change society?

Using wood as a renewable source of energy has the potential to deliver considerable social and economic benefits as well as mitigate climate change. Forest Research made economic assessments and engaged with stakeholders along the woodfuel supply chain to examine the social and economic challenges and propose solutions to using trees, woods and forests in an effective woodfuel sector.
Key findings
- Initially modest but increasing changes to woodlands and forests will occur over the long-term
- The growing use of woodfuel will have a significant effect on people’s “sense of place” (and purpose) regarding forests
- Given the historical role of forest wood as a source of fuel, biomass energy production has the potential to re-forge connections between people, communities and woodlands as places of energy
- This evolving sense of place is likely to occur at a local level
- The visibility of biomass energy production in the landscape is likely to raise consciousness about energy consumption and challenge established ideas about energy
- The impact of biomass production on the sense of place of a forest should be considered alongside other social, economic and environmental benefits when evaluating woodfuel projects
Reports and presentations
- Woodfuel production and sense of forest place (PDF-381K)
Brief research summary including background, objectives, methods, findings and recommendations.
- Mapping the woodfuel system (PDF-301K)
Brief research summary including background, objectives, methods, findings and recommendations.
- Stakeholder perceptions of short-rotation forestry (PDF-146K)
Brief research summary including background, objectives, methods, findings and recommendations.
- Stakeholder perceptions of short-rotation forestry for energy – Literature review (PDF-246K)
Research conducted in order to further understanding of the social viability of short-rotation forestry in the British landscape.
- Private landowners’ engagement with woodfuel production: a scoping study in Fife (PDF-788K)
Survey to discover the attitudes and actions of private landowners in relation to options for woodfuel production and use.
- Factors influencing woodfuel production by private landowners: a scoping study in Fife (PDF-1819K)
Presentation to the Farm Woodlands Forum (June 2009).
- Social ‘barriers’ to woodfuel production from farm woods (PDF-874K)
Presentation to the Farm Woodlands Forum, June 2009.
Funders and partners
Commissioned and funded by the Forestry Commission.