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Table 8.5 provides information on other expenditure (excluding public forests) by the Forestry Commission.  It includes expenditure by National Offices in England and Scotland as well as expenditure on GB level functions.  Figures for Wales on a comparable basis are currently unavailable.  Expenditure on land that is owned or managed by the Forestry Commission is covered in Table 8.4.

In addition to expenditure on public forests, the Forestry Commission spent a total of £92 million on other activities in 2017-18 (Table 8.5).

£58 million was used by the national offices in England and Scotland for grants and partnership funding and a further £12 million for policy, regulation & administration in 2017-18.  At a GB level, £25 million was used for international & GB support services and £11 million for research.

Table 8.5 Other government expenditure on forestry1,2

  2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 
£ million      
Grants and partnership funding3 87.2 82.0 57.2 61.6 57.6
Policy, regulation & administration 11.5 11.9 13.1 12.2 11.9
Research – GB funded4 9.4 8.6 8.4 9.6 10.5
International & GB support services4 36.0 32.5 32.1 28.4 25.4
Less recovery of support service costs from countries -22.4 -20.3 -20.7 -16.1 -13.0
Total 121.7 114.7 90.1 95.7 92.4
Grants and partnership funding3 40.2 37.4 24.8 24.0 13.8
Policy, regulation & administration5 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.9
Total 42.4 39.4 26.6 26.2 15.7
Grants and partnership funding3 47.0 44.6 32.4 37.6 43.8
Policy, regulation & administration5 9.3 9.9 11.3 10.0 10.0
Total 56.3 54.5 43.7 47.6 53.8

Source: Forestry Commission


1. Forestry Commission expenditure only. Excludes expenditure incurred by other departments.

2. Excludes miscellaneous income.

3. EU co-financing not subtracted from grant expenditure. In England authority for the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grant scheme rests with Defra.

4. The estimates for GB funded research exclude work by Forest Research funded by external organisations.  The increase in “Research – GB funded” and corresponding decrease in “International & GB support services” from 2015-16 to 2016-17 largely reflect organisational change within the Forestry Commission, with the transfer of some functions into Forest Research in April 2016.

5. Country costs for “policy, regulation & administration” include shares of GB support service costs.

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