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Wood production


Figures on UK wood production (or removals) are compiled from a variety of sources:

  • Forestry Commission (FC), Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Forest Service (FS) administrative records – for all removals from FC/NRW/FS woodlands;
  • the Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey – for softwood removals from private sector woodlands and
  • statistics on deliveries – for total hardwood removals.

The compilation of data on wood production was extended in 2004 to include Northern Ireland.

These sources cover removals of roundwood (trunk and branch wood) only. A survey was introduced in 2009 to collect data on removals of brash (branch wood and leaf material) and stumps (above-ground base part of trees). The collection of stump removals was discontinued in 2012.

The software used to record Forestry Commission sales has included some sales of mixed softwood and hardwood as softwood in previous years.


Figures for removals from FC/NRW/FS woodlands are converted from cubic metres (m3) to green tonnes using standard conversion factors. For total softwood figures, the results from the Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey are combined with the data for FC/NRW/FS woodlands to produce total softwood removals.

For hardwood figures, the total hardwood removals are assumed to equal the total hardwood deliveries (obtained from industry surveys and industry associations; see subsequent pages for further information on these sources). Hardwood removals from FC/NRW/FS woodlands are then subtracted to give an estimate of the amount of hardwood removed from private sector woodlands.

Softwood removals’ methodology change

The methodology used to estimate the quantity of UK softwood removals from private sector woodland was revised for the release of provisional 2011 estimates in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2011 provisional figures”. Details of the change in methodology and its impact on the figures are available in the “Methodology Review of Softwood Removals from Non-FC/FS Woodland” paper, available at


Private sector softwood removals are subject to revision annually (see following page, on the Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey). Removals from FC/NRW/FS woodlands are not normally revised. Total hardwood removals (and consequently hardwood removals from private sector woodlands) are subject to annual revisions (see notes on deliveries for further information).

Figures for 2017 are final; provisional figures were previously released in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2017 provisional figures”. Figures for 2013 to 2017 have been revised from those provided in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2017 provisional figures” to take account of additional returns and quality assurance checks.  This has resulted in changes of:

  • Wood production (hardwood) – ‘Private Sector Woodland’ up 31% and ‘Total Hardwood’ up 27% in 2017.  This increase is due to a new estimate for deliveries of UK grown hardwood used for woodfuel and should not be interpreted as an increase in a single year.

Information on revisions made since “Forestry Statistics 2017” are provided in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2017 provisional figures”.

Further information

Figures are published as UK totals. Country breakdowns (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) are also published for softwood in table 2.2 for private sector removals and table 2.3 for FC/NRW/FS removals. Approximate country breakdowns are also estimated for hardwood removals.

Longer time series, presenting estimates of FC/NRW/FS and private sector removals by country and by softwood/hardwood are available from the web page.

Release schedule

Provisional figures for 2018 will be released on 16 May 2019 in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2018 provisional figures”.

Final figures for 2018 will be released on 26 September 2019 in “Forestry Statistics 2019” and “Forestry Facts & Figures 2019”.

Additional resources

Chapter 2: UK-Grown Timber

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