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Data for softwood fencing are obtained from the Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers.  Figures for other uses are reported by manufacturers or are estimated by representatives of the wood processing industries.

1.6 million green tonnes of UK softwood were estimated to have been used directly for woodfuel (including biomass energy) in 2017, an increase of 3% from the previous year (Table 2.24). A further 295 thousand green tonnes of UK softwood were consumed by round fencing manufacturers and 170 thousand green tonnes for other uses in 2017.

Table 2.24 Miscellaneous uses of UK softwood roundwood, 2008-2017

Year Fencing Woodfuel1 Other2 Total
thousand green tonnes    
2008 359 300 128 787
2009 367 650 160 1178
2010 349 900 135 1384
2011 363 900 145 1408
2012 338 1000 154 1492
2013 332 1250 191 1773
2014 317 1500 176 1992
2015 288 1600 164 2052
2016 277 1550 178 2006
2017 295 1600 170 2064

Source: Survey of Round Fencing Manufacturers, industry associations.


1. Woodfuel derived from stemwood. Includes estimates of roundwood use for biomass energy. The figures are estimated by the Expert Group on Timber and Trade Statistics, and make use of woodfuel data reported in the Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey.

2. Includes shavings and poles. Quantities for some uses are estimates by the Expert Group on Timber and Trade Statistics.



An estimated 600 thousand3 green tonnes of UK hardwood were used for woodfuel (including biomass energy) in 2017.  A further 30 thousand green tonnes were estimated to have been consumed by round fencing manufacturers and 71 thousand green tonnes for other uses, including exports.


3.  600 thousand green tonnes reflects a new estimate of the level of hardwood deliveries used for woodfuel and should not be interpreted as an increase in a single year.  This figure is currently under review.

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