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Additional information for 2016 was collected from mills that produced more than 25 thousand m3 of sawnwood.

Total softwood consumption by the 29 sawmills covered by the detailed sawmill survey was 5.8 million green tonnes in 2016 (Table 2.15). Sawn softwood production was 3.1 million m3 and other softwood products (chips, bark, sawdust, etc.) amounted to 3.1 million tonnes.

Sawmills in Scotland accounted for over one half (53%) of all softwood consumption by larger mills. A further 28% was consumed by mills in England, 10% in Wales and the remaining 9% in Northern Ireland.

Table 2.15 Larger mills1, 2016: softwood consumption and production

  England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland UK
Number of mills 10 2 15 2 29
(thousand green tonnes)
1591 581 3071 515 5759
Sawnwood production
(thousand m3)
866 284 1656 272 3078
Other products
(thousand tonnes)
778 301 1735 283 3096

Source: Sawmill Survey (detailed)


1. Sawmills producing at least 25 thousand m3 sawnwood (softwood and hardwood).

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