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Sawmills were asked to estimate the quantity of other products (excluding sawnwood) that they generated from softwood and sold to different industries. The figures presented below are based on these estimates.

Other softwood products amounted to 3.1 million tonnes in 2016 (Table 2.15). Over two fifths (44%) of other softwood products were sold to wood processing industries in the form of chips and 14% were sold to these industries in other formats (Table 2.18). A further 21% of other products were sold to bio-energy (including pellet manufacturers) and 19% were sold to others.

Table 2.18 Larger mills1, 2016: other softwood products

Destination and type of product2 England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland UK
per cent of total other softwood products
Sold to wood processing industries
Wood chips 55 61 43 0 44
Bark 0 0 0 0 0
Sawdust & other 15 23 15 0 14
Total 70 85 58 0 58
Sold to bio-energy (incl pellet manufacturers)
Wood chips 6 1 14 56 15
Bark 0 0 1 5 1
Sawdust & other 0 0 6 21 6
Total 6 1 21 81 21
Other sales
Wood chips 8 0 6 11 6
Bark 8 9 9 6 8
Sawdust & other 6 3 4 1 4
Total 22 12 19 18 19

Source: Sawmill Survey (detailed)


1. Sawmills producing at least 25 thousand m3 sawnwood (softwood and hardwood).

2. The table does not show internal use for heat/energy, sales of firewood and other products disposed of as waste, which together accounted for around 2% of other softwood products.

The proportions of other products that were sold to different industries have changed little over the last five years (Table 2.18a).

Table 2.18a Larger mills1, 2012-2016: other softwood products

Year Destination    Total
Sold to wood
processing industries
Sold to bio-energy
(incl pellet manufacturers)
Other sales Other2
per cent of total other softwood products  
2012 61 21 17 1 100
2013 62 21 16 2 100
2014 59 22 17 3 100
2015 60 21 17 2 100
2016 58 21 19 2 100

Source: Sawmill Survey (detailed)


1. Sawmills producing at least 25 thousand m3 sawnwood (softwood and hardwood).

2. Other includes internal use for heat/energy, sales of firewood and other products disposed of as waste.

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