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Figures for the production of paper (Table 2.21) are provided by the Confederation of Paper Industries. They cover all paper production from UK mills, not just those using UK roundwood. Most UK paper production uses recovered waste paper or imported pulp.

A total of 3.7 million tonnes of paper and paperboard was produced in the UK in 2016, a decrease of 7% from the previous year. Packaging materials accounted for 49% of the total UK paper production in 2016, graphic papers (including newsprint) for 24%, and sanitary and household papers for 20%.

Table 2.21 Production of paper and paperboard, 2007-2016

Year Graphic papers
(incl newsprint)
Sanitary &
household papers
Other Total paper
& paperboard
thousand tonnes      
2007 2229 834 1852 313 5228
2008 2063 783 1838 299 4983
2009 1609 736 1702 246 4293
2010 1637 729 1640 294 4300
2011 1669 766 1600 307 4342
2012 1616 795 1798 271 4480
2013 1636 802 1851 272 4561
2014 1544 768 1801 284 4397
2015 1053 772 1894 251 3970
2016 897 728 1800 250 3675

Source: Confederation of Paper Industries

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