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The changing climate will have a wide range of impacts across the UK, including to our trees and woodlands, including warmer temperatures and altered rainfall patterns.

The main risks to forests are drought, wildfires, windthrow, flooding, unseasonal frost, pests and diseases.

Woodland owners and managers should assess the level of risks that climate change poses and implement adaptation measures to build resilience.

The Climate Change Hub provides information about climate change risks to UK woodlands and guidance for practitioners to adapt their woodlands. There are also case studies of how others have approached adaptation. If you’re looking for practical guidance on how to get started, head straight to the take action page.

In this section

A brief introduction to the impact of climate change and the associated risks to forests and woodlands.
Find out why undertaking adaptive practice is so important and recommended by the UK Forestry Standard.
Discover some of the roles that trees, forests and woodlands play in helping reduce climate change.

About Us

Forest Research is working to improve our understanding of the impact of climate change on forests and forestry, what role forestry can have in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate change and how forestry can adapt to reduce the impact of climate change and to benefit from any opportunities. Our work involves collaborating with organisations across the UK and overseas.

Forest Research is a member of the Forestry and Climate Change Partnership (FCCP) which brings together forestry, conservation and government organisations to communicate the case for adaptation, provide training and help inform research priorities. The FCCP published the Forestry and Climate Change Adaptation Accord in June 2022 which sets out a collective vision that Britain’s woodland and forests will be able to meet their full potential to provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

UKFS Adaptation Practice Guide download

The UKFS Practice Guide ‘Adapting forest and woodland management to the changing climate’ guides practitioners through the process from assessing climate change risks to implementing adaptation measures.

Printed copies are available to purchase from Forest Research.

Download the UKFS Adaptation Practice Guide

Printed copies are available to purchase from Forest Research.

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Top tips on how to develop a biosecurity action plan are now available from the Forest Research Climate Change Hub*, providing landowners and managers with the latest information on how to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful pests and pathogens.

Tom Locatelli, Senior Climate Change Scientist and Project Leader – Wind Risk in a Changing Climate, talks about wind risk in forestry and how ForestGALES helps foresters and land managers plan and manage woodlands and forests.

International conference and workshop on wind risk and the ForestGALES/fgr wind risk model successfully delivered in Scotland.

Top tips on how to develop a biosecurity action plan are now available from the Forest Research Climate Change Hub*, providing landowners and managers with the latest information on how to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful pests and pathogens.

8th October 2024

Tom Locatelli, Senior Climate Change Scientist and Project Leader – Wind Risk in a Changing Climate, talks about wind risk in forestry and how ForestGALES helps foresters and land managers plan and manage woodlands and forests.

21st May 2024

International conference and workshop on wind risk and the ForestGALES/fgr wind risk model successfully delivered in Scotland.

14th May 2024

New to Woodland Management?

Climate change is one of the many factors to consider when managing your woodland. We’ve put together some useful resources and guidance to help you get started.