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Adaptation Measures

Selecting appropriate measures

In order to identify the most appropriate adaptation measures, forest and woodland managers should consider their management objectives alongside an assessment of climate change risks for their sites. Adaptation measures that will reduce the most immediate and greatest risks should be prioritised.


The future climate must be considered and integrated into design plans to increase resilience, not just for current woodland but for new woodland and areas of woodland expansion.

Possible adaptation measures for selected climate change risks

Measure likely to reduce risk if applied appropriately
Measure may reduce risk but about which less is known
Measure unlikely to reduce, and may exacerbate, risk
Lack of information or unknown

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UKFS Adaptation Practice Guide download

The UKFS Practice Guide ‘Adapting forest and woodland management to the changing climate’ guides practitioners through the process from assessing climate change risks to implementing adaptation measures.

Printed copies are available to purchase from Forest Research.

Download the UKFS Adaptation Practice Guide

Printed copies are available to purchase from Forest Research.

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Further resources

Managing England’s woodlands in a climate emergency – UKFS/Forestry Commission
Climate change adaptation manual – Natural England
Forestry and Climate Change Partnership