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Forest Research worked with ClimateXChange, a Scottish Government funded Centre of Expertise in a collaboration between Scotland’s leading research providers, sector stakeholders and policy teams. ClimateXChange works to provide timely, objective and independent research, evidence and expert advice to support the Scottish Government as it develops and implements policies on adapting to the changing climate and the transition to a low carbon society. Our contribution aimed to support forestry in Scotland become more resilient to climate change and to deliver Scotland’s emissions reduction targets.

Research objectives

Adapting to Climate Change

  • Bringing together practitioners, researchers and policymakers to explore current barriers to climate change adaptation and to work towards achievable solutions.
  • Showcasing real-life examples of best practice and innovation through demonstration sites, case studies, workshops and resources.
  • Facilitating knowledge exchange within the sector.


  • What is the GHG mitigation benefit from different types of woodland expansion in Scotland?
  • Where, what type, and how can woodland expansion contribute to GHG mitigation?
  • What changes in soil carbon stocks occur as a result of land use change to woodland?
  • What are the financial implications of farm woodland creation for representative farm types, and what type of incentives are required?
  • Are agroforestry (silvopastoral) systems a viable option to address the mitigation agenda?

Reducing Risk

Forest Research and ClimateXChange are supporting a PhD student at Dundee University researching the contribution of forests to improving slope stability.

We also support the call-down service for short term policy driven research.

Results so far

The potential for agroforestry to reduce net GHG emissions in Scotland through the Woodland Carbon Code (

Drought risk in Scottish forests (

Diversifying conifers in productive forests: stakeholders’ perspectives (

Land Suitability for Woodland Expansion in Scotland: update 2020 (

Agroforestry in Scotland – potential benefits in a changing climate (

The role of contingency planning in climate change adaptation for the forestry sector in Scotland (

Climate change impacts on Scotland’s forestry supply chain (

Afforestation and restocking on peaty soils (

Lessons on risk management from the finance sector for climate change adaptation in Scotland’s forestry sector (

Perennial energy crops and their potential in Scotland: evidence review (

Can silvo-pastoral agroforestry systems contribute to Scotland’s emission reduction targets? (

Adaptation of Native Woodlands in Scotland (

Demonstrating adaptation (

Carbon benefits from peatland restoration (

Soil carbon and land use in Scotland (

Greenhouse gas accounting (

Climate Ready Forestry at Queen Elizabeth Forest Park

Adapting Scotland’s forests for resilience to climate change – Forest Research

SilviFuture – a network for sharing knowledge about novel tree species

Climate change and Scotland’s forests – Videos on Vimeo

ESC Tutorials on Vimeo


The first phase of the ClimateXChange project ran from 2010 to 2015. The second phase ran from 2016-2021.

Funders and partners


ClimateXChange is funded by the Scottish Government.

Our collaborators on ClimateXChange include:

  • Forest Research
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • James Hutton Institute
  • Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
  • SRUC
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Strathclyde

Forestry Commission policy

Forestry Commission Scotland is committed to supporting the Scottish Government meet Scotland’s emissions reduction targets through the contribution of Scotland’s forests; and in making Scotland and Scotland’s forests more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

UK Forest Standard Guidelines on Forests and Climate Change

Forestry Commission Scotland Climate Change Policies and Actions

What’s of interest

Adapting Scotland’s forests for resilience to climate change – Forest Research

SilviFuture – a network for sharing knowledge about novel tree species

Climate change and Scotland’s forests – Videos on Vimeo

ESC Tutorials on Vimeo

Related pages

Related documents

Useful sites

Forestry Staff Bruce Nicoll.24d14a83.fill 600x600 1
Bruce Nicoll

Principal Scientist

Forestry Staff Locatelli Tommaso 04 l0k9GCr.2e16d0ba.fill 600x600 1
Tom Locatelli
