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Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of Forest Research, an executive agency of the Forestry Commission, and member of the Forestry Commission Executive Board.  James is responsible for the strategic vision and scientific direction of Forest Research, the leadership of more than 400 staff and an annual turnover in excess of £38m.  He ensures that Forest Research provides appropriate research and evidence to the Forestry Commission, Defra and devolved administrations.  As a member of the Forestry Commission Executive Board he contributes to the strategic governance of the Forestry Commission and brings relevant scientific knowledge to decision-making.

He is also required to ensure that Forest Research meets its statutory obligations as a government agency.

James is a director of the Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée (IEFC) and Genomia Management Limited, and a trustee of the Scottish Forestry Trust.

James joined the Forestry Commission in 2002 holding several positions before becoming Chief Executive of Forest Research in 2008.  Prior to this he had a distinguished career in research, management and market development in the timber and forestry sectors in several countries including the UK, United States, South Africa, The Netherlands and New Zealand.


  • Visiting Professor, University of the Highlands & Islands
  • Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology
  • Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
  • Member of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation
  • Member of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Biodiversity & Freshwater Conservation, University of the Highlands & Islands
  • UK representative on the IUFRO International Council 2010-2014
  • UK representative on the Council of the European Forest Institute since 2015
Forestry Staff James Pendlebury.b0389f55.fill 600x600 1

James Pendlebury

BSc (Hons) For, PhD, FRSB, FICFor, MIMMM
Chief Executive
Senior management

Forest Research

Northern Research Station


Midlothian EH25 9SY


Peer reviewed journal articles

James has authored or co-authored 41 international publications, conference papers and refereed scientific papers. He has also contributed to 47 research or contract reports and co-authored 21 patents/patent applications.

Selected refereed publications

McKay, H.M., Hudson, B., Carr, R., Beck, C., Ward, S., Snowling, H., Pendlebury, J. (2010) Woodfuel consumption in Scotland 2005-8. Biomass and Bioenergy 34 (2010) 1017 – 1027

Boonstra, M.G., Pizzi, A., Tekely, P., Pendlebury, J. (1996): Chemical modification of Norway Spruce & Scots Pine. A, 13CNMR CP-MAS Study of the reactivity and reactions of polymeric wood components with acetic anhydride Holzforschung 50, 215-220

Gard, W.F., Riepen, M., Pendlebury, A.J., Hoogendijk, P. (1994): Development of high temperature drying schedules for European grown Pseudotsuga menziesii and Populus robusta and optimization through the use of computer simulation modelling. Proceedings of the 4th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, August 9-13, 1994. FRI Bulletin Series. 9pp

Pendlebury, A.J. and Goodell, B. (1990): Preservative treatment and field test monitoring of spruce pole stock: CCA and fumigant treatments. Material und Organismen 25. Bd. 1990 Heft 3, pp. 219-229.

Selected conference & other international publications

Member & co-author (2008) Forum for Renewable Energy Development Scotland’s Renewable Heat Group (RHG) Report 2008 “Scotland’s Renewable Heat Strategy: Recommendations to Scottish Ministers” Scottish Government ISBN: 978-0-7559-5633-3 50pp

Davies, I.; Walker, B.; Pendlebury, J. (2002): Timber Cladding in Scotland, ARCA Publications Ltd. ISBN 1 904320 007 64 pp

Pendlebury, A.J., Drysdale, J., Nasheri, K., Pearson, H. & Hedley, M. (1997) The Multi-Phase Pressure (MPP) Process. One-stage CCA treatment and Accelerated Fixation Process. 2. Concepts Proved by Repetitive Pilot Plant Treatments. International Research Group on Wood Preservation Doc. IRG/WP/97-40079 13pp

Nasheri, K., Pendlebury, A.J., Drysdale, J., Pearson, H. & Hedley, M. (1997) The Multi-Phase Pressure (MPP) Process. One-stage CCA treatment and Accelerated Fixation Process. 1. The Process as a New Concept in Preservative Treatment. International Research Group on Wood Preservation Doc. IRG/WP/97-40078 8 pp

Pendlebury, A.J. and Pearson, H. (1996) A shower test protocol for measuring antisapstain wash-off for small individual log billets. International Research Group on Wood Preservation Doc IRG/WP/96-50069 12 pp.

Selected patents/patent applications

Nasheri, K., Pendlebury, J., Drysdale, J. A method for impregnation of wood and wood based products. Patent number ZA9608275 (B). Grant date 25/06/97

Conradie, W.E., Pendlebury, J., Pizzi, A., Conradie, D. Wood preservatives. Patent number EP0548184 (B1). Grant date 27/12/1996

Nasheri, K., Pendlebury, J., Snoad, P., Cunningham, N. Material treating apparatus. Publication number ZA9601509 (B). Grant date 30/10/96

Subban, M.S., Conradie, D., Conradie, W.E., Pendlebury, A.J. Method for producing metal soaps by reacting fatty acids with potassium hydroxide then subsequently reacting with the salt or oxide of the desired metal. Publication number NZ239635 (A). Publication date: 19/03/1992

Selected conference roles

Chairman of the European Forest Institute Annual Conference, Austria, 2016

Vice Chairman of the European Forest Institute Annual Conference, Russia, 2015

Vice Chairman of the European Forest Institute Annual Conference, Spain, 2014

Member of the FC’s main organising committee for the Commonwealth Forestry Conference held in Edinburgh in 2010.