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Publication Owners: Forestry Commission Scotland

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70 Search Results

  • Publications

    Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland

    Lead Author: Dr Rachel Helliwell
    Report assessing the long term role of forestry in relation to the acidification and recovery of soil and surface water. It targets some of the most acid impacted head waters in the Galloway region of southwest Scotland, including three sub-catchments in the Black Water of Dee (Dargall Lane, Green Burn and Cuttie Shallow); Cardoon Burn […]
  • Publications

    Conservation of black poplar: insights from a DNA fingerprinting approach

    Lead Author: Joan Cottrell
    Black poplar is Great Britain’s rarest native hardwood and there is considerable interest in conserving the genetic diversity present in the remaining population. However, multiplication by vegetative propagation has led to issues in identifying and selecting genetically diverse native planting material. The ability to use DNA markers to identify poplars at the level of the […]
  • Publications

    Outdoor learning: closing the attainment gap in primary schoolchildren in Scotland

    Lead Author: Jamie Hamilton
    This Research Note compares the performances of 71 primary schoolchildren carrying out curricular tasks in outdoor and indoor classroom settings. By observing, recording and analysing how the children performed in group activities taken from the Scottish curriculum, an evaluation could be made of the relative merits of indoor and outdoor learning. In general, the results […]
  • Publications

    Dothistroma literature (A-C)

    A list of all literature available (updated to December 2015) about Dothistroma in alphabetical order (A to C)
  • Publications

    Deciding future management options for afforested deep peatland

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    This guide will help forest managers and agents in Scotland decide the best future management option for afforested deep peat sites (defined here as soils with a peat layer of 50 cm or more). It explains the principles and assessment methods of the ‘Forestry on peatland habitats’ supplementary guidance that Forestry Commission Scotland published in […]
  • Publications

    The Picts

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The Picts: a learning resource for teachers of Curriculum for Excellence Level 2.
  • Publications

    Action for the Environment on Scotland’s National Forest Estate

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    Action for the Environment on Scotland's National Forest Estate describes just some of the recent work we have been doing to ensure that our natural and cultural heritage is protected, conserved and enhanced.
  • Publications

    Recumbent Stone Circles

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    Recumbent Stone Circles: a learning resource for teachers of Curriculum for Excellence Level 2. This resource aims to help teachers and youth group leaders explore the recumbent stone circles of Aberdeenshire.
  • Publications

    An easy guide to forest trees and their uses (Gaelic version)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Iùl beag air craobhan choilltean Is mar a chleachdas iadGheibhear san iùl bheag seo fiosrachadh air na diofar chraobhan a lorgas ann an coilltean is air fearann-coillteach ann am Breatainn. Innsidh e mar a dh’aithnichear diofar ghnèithean cumanta agus cho cudromach ‘s a tha iad ann am beatha-làitheil dhaoine. This Guide lets you find out more […]
  • Publications

    The Woodland Workout – Teachers’ Guide

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The original Woodland Workout was a Forest Education Initiative project supported by Forestry Commission Scotland. The resource was developed by four teachers. The aim of the project was to produce a resource that could easily be used by teachers and enable them to offer a wide range of outdoor activities and exercises to their pupils. The activities […]
  • Publications

    Tree Stories – a learning resource

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The Tree Stories were created over a year and inspired by Highland Perthshire’s beautiful fauna and flora. Each story was created during the month with which its tree is linked in folklore.
  • Publications

    Improving timber transport

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission (Scotland)
    The Strategic Timber Transport Fund (STTF) was introduced in 2005 to facilitate the sustainable transport of timber in rural areas of Scotland…