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(Identification of Dothistroma septospora through PCR technique.


The fungal species causing the disease known as red band needle blight has been identified by the PCR technique. Infected plant material consisted of needles from Pinus pinaster, Pinus radiata, Pinus sp. and Pseudotsuga sp. PCR amplification of the ITS region between the fungal nuclear 18S and 5.8S genes was carried out using primers ITS2 and ITS5. Amplification products were obtained following electrophoresis on agarose and staining with ethidium bromide, being visualized under UV light. Samples with Dothistroma septosporai presented a DNA band of an approximate size of 250 base pairs.)

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(Phytosanitary problems in P. radiata in Spain with emphasis on Basque country.


Among the defoliator fungi, Scirrhia pini is the most relevant due to be a primary pathogen, causing partial defoliation of the needles located in the interior and bottom of the crown. The initial symptoms, chlorotic spots in needles, are presented in autumn and winter. Subsequently, this spots take a red colour, showing the typical red bands. At the end of the infection the needle takes a brown colour, but the bottom of the needle that keep a green colour. This process lasts ca. 15-20 days from the first symptoms. Finally, a premature needle fall causes defoliation of the affected trees, and therefore growth losses and, after several attacks, tree mortality. Copper treatments have not been applied because of the presence of this pathogen is limited and its low infestation levels, which doesn’t justify chemical control. Silvicultural treatments, such as pruning and removing understory, are a preventive method to avoid microclimates favourables for the pathogen.)

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