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Themes: Economics

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36 Search Results

  • Research

    Economics of risk and tipping points: approaches to valuing forest resilience

    A review of economic approaches to risk and uncertainty, tipping points and resilience in forestry. A conceptual framework for the resilience valuation and its interaction with risk is proposed
  • Research

    Developing multi-stand / CCF version of optimal rotation length prototype model

    Explores optimal management in a multi-stand / Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) setting and various ecosystem services and benefits provided by complex forests.
  • Publications

    Timber, carbon and wind risk: towards an integrated model of optimal rotation length

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    Modern forest management practice increasingly adopts an ecosystem services approach to account for the multiple benefits and objectives of forestry. It is also increasingly linked to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. In view of the priority given to these policy agendas, it is important that new models take an integrated approach to accounting for […]
  • Research

    Harvested Wood Products and Carbon Substitution

    This study reviews approaches to accounting for carbon storage and carbon substitution benefits of harvested wood products under existing carbon market standards, and considers how the UK Woodland Carbon Code - which at present covers climate change mitigation benefits of afforestation in terms of carbon sequestration, might be extended.
  • Research

    Biodiversity and rotation length

    Investigate how to incorporate biodiversity into an optimal rotation length model through literature review and data re-analysis of biodiversity links with stand age.
  • Research

    Integrated optimal rotation length modelling

    Optimal rotation length model, which accounts for timber production and climate change mitigation (in terms of carbon benefits) and adaptation (in terms of windthrow risks), is developed.
  • Publications

    Behavioural policy ‘nudges’ to encourage woodland creation for climate change mitigation

    Lead Author: Darren Moseley
    Evidence indicates that woodland creation is generally a cost-effective method of climate change mitigation, when compared with a range of alternatives. However, engaging landowners and land managers in woodland creation schemes can sometimes prove difficult, and this affects prospects for meeting national woodland planting targets and associated climate change mitigation objectives. Although reluctance to plant […]
  • Publications

    Insights from behavioural economics for ecosystem services valuation and sustainability

    Lead Author: Darren Moseley
    Ecosystem services refer to the benefits or outputs that people derive from ecosystems. Following the publication of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment there has been a growing interest in assessing the flows of such services and valuing the contribution they make to human well-being. This Research Report draws upon recent evidence (years 2001 to 2012) […]
  • Research

    Marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) for UK forestry

    This page summarises the results of Forest Research’s assessment of different approaches and methodologies for estimating marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) for the UK.
  • Research

    Scientific review: cost effectiveness of forestry for climate change mitigation

    This page summarises the results of Forest Research’s calculations on the potential and cost-effectiveness of UK’s forests to mitigate climate change.
  • Research

    The Natural Environment Framework: estimating the value of new woodland

    The page summarises findings from Forest Research’s work to estimate the expected net economic benefits that Forestry Commission Wales would deliver by meeting targets for new woodland set out in the Natural Environment Framework.
  • Publications

    Marginal abatement cost curves for UK forestry

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Comparing the cost-effectiveness of different climate change mitigation measures is essential in minimising the cost of meeting national greenhouse gas reduction targets. The costs of different measures and their potential to reduce emissions or sequester greenhouse gases can be depicted using a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve. Previous studies have shown that UK forestry measures are […]