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Comparing the cost-effectiveness of different climate change mitigation measures is essential in minimising the cost of meeting national greenhouse gas reduction targets. The costs of different measures and their potential to reduce emissions or sequester greenhouse gases can be depicted using a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve. Previous studies have shown that UK forestry measures are generally highly cost-effective by comparison with government estimates of the social value of carbon used in policy appraisal. However, estimates are sensitive to a range of factors including the species planted, forest management regime, environmental conditions, co-benefits and methodology adopted. This review provides a comparison of previous approaches and underlying assumptions, and summarises the current approach to cost-effectiveness analysis for policy appraisal and evaluation recommended in government guidance. It also provides recommendations for future studies.


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Publication type
Research Report
Publication owner
Forestry Commission
Principal Economist
Forestry Staff Gregory Valatin.d744f2ef.fill 600x600 1

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Marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) for UK forestry

This page summarises the results of Forest Research’s assessment of different approaches and methodologies for estimating marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) for the UK.

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