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Themes: Ecosystem Services

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353 Search Results

  • Research

    Catchment Laboratories

    Catchment Lab aims to establish the UK's first catchment laboratories network to assess woodland creation's water impacts. It will provide critical data, refine models, foster partnerships, and expand a monitoring network to inform Defra’s water policies.
  • Research

    The Ecological Function of Trees outside Woodland (ToW) in Relation to Treescapes and Woodland Creation

    Research project aiming to map and assess the ecological role of Trees outside Woodlands (ToW) in England. By studying ToW distribution, biodiversity value, and conservation needs, the project aims to protect and enhance ToW's contribution to biodiversity in fragmented landscapes.
  • Research

    Fast-tracking Connectivity through Woodland Creation

    This project explores the movement/dispersal of different species (plants, invertebrates, small mammals and fungi) between woodlands. Specifically, the project aims to understand whether newly planted woodlands enhance habitat connectivity for woodland species within fragmented landscapes.
  • Research

    Woodland Expansion and Soil Carbon Change at the Woodland Carbon Code projects

    Research project quantifying the soil carbon changes in mineral and organo-mineral soils in the first 2 to 20 years of forest establishment. It considers different tree species and mixtures planted in the Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) sites.
  • Research

    Expanding Agroforestry

    The Expanding Agroforestry project aims to support the creation of agroforestry in the UK through providing research to support policy and practitioners through evidence reviews and the collection of underpinning empirical evidence.
  • Research

    Understanding and mapping the socio-cultural benefits of forest recreation

    Trees, woods, and forests provide multiple benefits to society, including those of social and cultural value. This research outlines a scoping study which sought to identify and test methods for spatially mapping and surveying the recreation attitudes and behaviours of people living in an area around Cannock Chase National Landscape.
  • Research

    Land Use for Net Zero, Nature and People (LUNZ) Hub

    The LUNZ Hub is an innovative transdisciplinary research initiative helping to drive transformational land use change in the UK needed to achieve net zero by 2050.
  • Research

    Developing a Woodland Water Code

    The design and development of a Woodland Water Code (WWC) to act as a crediting mechanism to encourage private investment in trees for the improvement of the freshwater environment.
  • Research

    Expanding Agroforestry: A Tree Species Guide for Agroforestry in the UK

    This ‘Tree Species Guide for UK Agroforestry Systems’ provides an overview of 33 species of trees and shrubs that could be planted in UK agroforestry systems.
  • Research

    Understanding the Social & Cultural Value of Trees outside Woodlands: Peri-Urban and Rural (ToWPUR)

    This project will gather evidence to better understand the social and cultural value of an understudied part of English treescapes: Trees outside Woodlands in peri-urban and rural areas (ToWPUR). The research will feed into a variety of policy aims relating to the societal benefits and impact of tree-planting and management.
  • Research

    Green Finance in the Context of UK’s Trees, Woods, and Forests

    There is a need for Green Finance mechanisms to increase private investment in UK woodland creation and tree planting. Forest Research is exploring existing evidence on this topic, identifying innovative mechanisms, existing case studies and research gaps.
  • Research

    SUPERB – Upscaling Forest Restoration

    Forest Research, working with Forestry and Land Scotland, is leading a forest restoration Demo for the EU Horizon2020 “SUPERB” project. This demonstrates conversion to continuous cover forestry, establishment of high-elevation forests, and riparian woodlands with natural flood management measures, and will work with stakeholders to examine potential for upscaling.