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Xenia is developing the indicators which are currently being used to determine the progress in achieving the aims of the Woodlands for Wales strategy published by Welsh Government. The last Woodlands for Wales indicators report was published in 2018 and the primary objective of Xenia’s work is to update the data and metrics which are being used to inform these. The indicators will also be mirrored to other policy areas, such as the National Forest for Wales.

Xenia is working to determine why the indicators were initially chosen, to understand the data that are currently being presented and analysing their use. The aim of this work is to improve the relevance and usability both of the woodland indicators and of the metrics currently being used to quantify these. Evidence gaps will be filled, and recommendations made for future indicators as the condition of Wales’s woodlands change with both environmental pressures and support from policy, research, and management.  More information about Xenia’s current work can be found on the project webpage.

Xenia lived abroad from the age of 4 to 18, travelling for her parents’ work as international school teachers. She completed her IB Diploma in the UAE, and then went on to study at Cardiff University, completing her BSc Zoology in 2017. She then completed her post-graduate studies at University of South Wales and achieved an overall Distinction in her MSc in Wildlife and Conservation Management in 2021. For her final research dissertation Xenia analysed and evaluated the different landscape features that may influence and determine the spatial distribution of otters (Lutra lutra) in Wales.

Xenia Williams joined Forest Research in 2022.

Xenia Williams

B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc.
Woodland Indicator Analyst

Cathays Park 2

Museum Avenue

Cardiff CF10 3AX

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Woodlands for Wales Indicators

Status current