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Depth Horizon Detail
3 cm LF Oak and some Ash leaves and twigs.
0 to 7 cm Ah Brownish black (10Yr 3/2) stoneless silty clay; moist; moderate fine to granular subangular blocky structure with ped face colours as matrix; low packing density; moderate porous; moderately weak ped strength; slightly sticky and plastic; common very fine to coarse roots; common earthworm activity; non-calcareous; diffuse wavy boundary.
7 to 15 cm E(g) Greyish yellow brown (10YR 6/2) with many very fine bright yellowish brown (10YR 6/8) mottled stoneless silty clay; moist; moderately coarse subangular blocky structure; moderately weak soil and ped strength; slightly sticky and plastic; non-calcareous; diffuse wavy boundary.
15 to 37 cm Btg Greenish grey (10Y 6/1) with abundant clear distinct fine reddish yellow (7.5YR6/8) mottles; stoneless silty clay; moist; moderate coarse subangular blocky structure; common large voids and earthworm channels; moderately firm soil; very sticky and plastic; few to very few fine to coarse woody rots; non-calcareous; clear smooth boundary.
37 to 74 cm BCg Greenish grey (10Y 6/1) with common to many clear distinct fine reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) mottles stoneless clay; moist; moderate very coarse to strong coarse angular blocky structure; high packing density; very slightly porous.

Soil chemistry and particle size distribution (%) data are also available for various horizons (sample date: 04/07/96). Contact Sue Benham.

Integrated forest monitoring
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Integrated forest monitoring