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About the Cardiff City i-Tree Eco Study

i-Tree Eco provides a means to more fully understand a city’s urban forest with respect to its species composition, structure and condition, and to calculate and value many of the ecological benefits that that urban forest provides to those and live and work in the city.

In order to better understand Cardiff’s urban trees, an i-Tree Eco survey was devised throughout 2017 and surveying was undertaken in late summer of 2017.


This work was funded by Cardiff City Council and Welsh Government.


The project partners were Cardiff City Council, Welsh Government, and Forest Research.

Research objectives

  • Understand the structure of Cardiff’s urban forest, including the species composition, diversity and tree condition
  • Calculate the ecosystem services provided by Cardiff’s urban forest and rank the importance of different tree species

Findings and Recommendations

  • Cardiff has an estimated 1.4 million trees, which provide an estimated canopy cover of 18.9%
  • The canopy cover in Cardiff is unevenly distributed between different land classes, with a bias towards trees on private property
  • Ash and sycamore compose over 20% of all Cardiff’s trees
  • The ecosystem services provided by Cardiff’s trees were estimated to have a value of £3.3 million per year

The infographic summary, full report, and supplementary report are available in the Documents section (below).


Kieron Doick

Further Information

i-Tree website


Funding & partners
  • Cardiff City Council
  • Welsh Government
  • Forest Research

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