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Themes: Ecosystem Services

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352 Search Results

  • Research

    NHS Greenspace in Scotland

    NHS Greenspace in Scotland is being developed through a series of demonstration projects at different hospital sites. Staff, patients, visitors and local communities are the beneficiaries of improvements to NHS Greenspace.
  • Publications

    Niches for species: a multi-species model to guide woodland management

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    To protect biodiversity in the face of environmental change, there is a need to designate and manage areas of habitat for rare and threatened species. However, to identify the right areas usually requires detailed data on species distributions. Reliable data for rare and protected species are sparse as many species are cryptic and under-recorded. The […]
  • Publications

    Encouraging biodiversity at multiple scales in support of resilient woodlands

    Lead Author: Chloe Bellamy
    Woodland ecosystems are integral to our health, well-being, security and economy, but they face a number of pressures including climate change, land-use intensification, and emerging pests and diseases. This Research Note explores the links between biodiversity, measured at different levels of organisation (genes, species and communities), and the ability of woodland ecosystems to withstand and […]
  • Research

    Exploring land manager views of payments for ecosystem services, networks and learning

    Research exploring evidence for land manager perceptions and understandings of the concept of payments for ecosystem services, the use of formal and informal networks and the ways in which land managers learn from others.
  • Research

    Land Use and Ecosystem Services

    The research aims to increase our understanding of how woodlands and wooded landscapes provide a diverse range of ecosystem services (ES), and to help policymakers, forest managers and planners understand and assess how the specific placement and management of woodlands affects ES delivery at various scales.
  • Publications

    Using DNA barcoding and metabarcoding to detect species and improve forest biodiversity monitoring

    Lead Author: Nadia Barsoum
    Growing threats to biodiversity from pressure of land use, climate change, and invasive pests and diseases highlight the importance of obtaining accurate baseline measurements of current forest biodiversity, as well as improved monitoring to detect early signals of change. Developments in molecular techniques have advanced to the stage that there are now practical methods available […]
  • Publications

    A review of the effects of forest management intensity on ecosystem services for northern European temperate forests with a focus on the UK

    Lead Author: Louise Sing
    Abstract Ecosystem services (ES) are the benefits that people receive from ecosystems. Understanding the impact of forest management on their supply can inform policy and practice for meeting societal demand. The objectives of this paper are to identify and review the effect of management intensity on priority ES supply and identify synergies and trade-offs among ES […]
  • Publications

    Quantifying the hydrological effect of woodland creation in the Camowen and Drumragh catchments, Omagh, Northern Ireland

    Lead Author: Huw Thomas
    The ‘Runoff Curve Number’ rainfall-runoff model, developed by the USDA Soil Conservation Service, was applied to the catchments draining to Omagh, to assess the potential effect of woodland creation on flood flows. The ‘Runoff Curve Number’ method provides a potentially powerful tool for evaluating the impact of land use change and management on surface runoff, as […]
  • Publications

    Practical solutions for bottlenecks in ecosystem services mapping

    Lead Author: Chloe Bellamy
    Palomo I, Willemen L, Drakou E, Burkhard B, Crossman N, Bellamy C, Burkhard K, Campagne CS, Dangol A, Franke J, Kulczyk S, Le Clec’h S, Malak DA, Muñoz L, Narusevicius V, Ottoy S, Roelens J, Sing L, Thomas A, Van Meerbeek K, Verweij P (2018). One Ecosystem 3: e20713. Abstract Ecosystem services (ES) mapping is becoming mainstream […]
  • Publications

    EcoServ-GIS: a toolkit for mapping ecosystem services

    Lead Author: J.P. Winn
    Mapping ecosystem services at a county and region scale The EcoServ-GIS toolkit generates maps illustrating the need for each service as well as the capacity for service provision, using scientifically-based, standardised methods and widely available datasets. It provides users with the facility to overlay these maps to show how well demand and capacity coincide in space, […]
  • Research

    Valuation of Welsh Forest Resources

    This study estimates using a natural capital accounting approach the value of five ecosystem goods and services provided by woodlands in Wales: standing timber, timber extraction, carbon sequestration, recreation and air quality improvement.
  • Research

    i-Tree Eco Petersfield

    About the Petersfield Town i-Tree Eco Study. i-Tree Eco provides a means to more fully understand a city's urban forest with respect to its species composition, structure and condition, and to calculate and value many of the ecological benefits that that urban forest provides to those and live and work in the city.