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Forestry Guidance: Ukfs Technical Note

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22 Search Results

  • Publications

    Controlling grey squirrels in forests and woodlands in the UK

    Lead Author: Robin Gill
    This Technical Note provides updated information on methods of grey squirrel control.
  • Publications

    Assessing the stem straightness of trees

    Lead Author: Andrew Price
    Stem straightness is important in determining tree and log value. The ability to make an effective assessment before harvesting is useful for forest managers and practitioners to improve forecasting, planning, marketing and resource use. This Technical Note describes three methods for assessing stem straightness in standing trees: visual assessment, photogrammetric measurement and terrestrial lidar. It […]
  • Publications

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from forest civil engineering

    Lead Author: Alan Dickerson
    The management of forests and woodlands requires an effective road network to provide access for the machinery required to plant and harvest trees and extract timber and wood products. Roads are also used by visitors for access and activities such as cycling and mountain biking. Forest roads and bridges must be constructed so that they […]
  • Publications

    Fence marking to reduce grouse collisions

    Lead Author: Roger Trout
    Collisions with fences can be a significant source of mortality for woodland birds such as capercaillie and black grouse. The construction of new fencing to protect woodland and trees in habitats supporting these two grouse species should be minimised, and the fences removed as soon as management objectives have been achieved. Fences that are necessary […]
  • Publications

    Using acoustic tools in forestry and the wood supply chain

    Lead Author: Shaun Mochan
    The demands for sustainably produced wood as a raw material for a variety of end uses is placing increased pressure on the forest resource in the UK. Knowledge of the timber properties of trees and logs is important to ensure that harvested wood is directed to its most appropriate end use. Current harvesting practice in […]
  • Publications

    Cleaning mechanised pesticide spray equipment

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note sets out the procedures for cleaning pesticide applicators and proposes a cleaning regime drawn from current sources of best practice.
  • Publications

    Using dye markers to reduce pesticide use

    Lead Author: I Willoughby
    Colourants used as dye markers may allow the better targeting of pesticide sprays, and could help to protect operators, as well as reducing overall levels of pesticide use in forestry.
  • Publications

    Selecting nozzles for hand-held applicators

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note provides guidance on the selection of appropriate spray nozzle(s) for use in the application of pesticides. Influences on selection, such as type of target, weather conditions, pesticide formulation, spray equipment and spray quality, are described. Information is provided on the British Crop Protection Nozzle Code. Types of nozzle and their functions, care […]
  • Publications

    Mechanised Spraying Systems for Herbicide Use in Forestry

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note outlines these application methods and provides details on the components of mechanised sprayers and herbicide delivery systems. Information is also provided on pre- and post-storage maintenance, sprayer testing and spray drift management. Conclusions and recommendations give guidance for the use of mechanised sprayers in forestry.
  • Publications

    Planning and Managing Pesticide Stores

    Lead Author: Bill J Jones
    This Technical Note outlines legislation governing pesticide use and sets out training and certification requirements relevant to pesticide storage. It provides recommendations on planning, constructing and maintaining permanent and mobile pesticide stores and gives guidance on the management and safe storage of pesticides. Advice is also given on waste disposal, health and safety issues and […]
  • Publications

    Traction Aids in Forestry

    Lead Author: Duncan Ireland
    This Technical Note discusses the benefits of traction aids in forestry. Generic types of traction aids and their effects on machine travel are described. Guidance is provided on when and where traction aids should be used along with their characteristics under different operating conditions and their selection according to site. Advantages and disadvantages of using […]
  • Publications

    Protecting the environment during mechanised harvesting operations

    Lead Author: Ian R Murgatroyd
    This Technical Note provides guidance on matching harvesting systems to site conditions to reduce the risk of soil damage and water pollution. It updates some previously identified issues and describes some new techniques. Information is provided on site planning, selection of machines, brash mat construction and maintenance, forest road approaches/drainage and roadside stacking.