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Richard’s research is on the diversification of tree species for developing healthy and resilient forests and ecosystems. Work is focussed on recommending provenances of existing species suited to the future climate, and developing information on the properties of secondary species suitable for wider use or as substitutes when current species are affected by pests and diseases. This work also tests the forest potential of relatively unknown species using information from existing and new species trials and a network of tree collections across Britain. Richard was involved in a recent EU Interreg project REINFFORCE which established a network of new species trials throughout the Atlantic Region of Europe.

Richard is also interested in the application of thermal time models to modelling tree seed dormancy breakage and germination to help understand potential effects of climate change on tree regeneration.

Richard Jinks obtained a first degree in Agricultural Botany, and a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from the University of Wales. He worked at the former Glasshouse Crops Research Institute (HRI) on research on Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock before joining Forest Research in 1989. Richard’s initial research focussed on forest nurseries and propagation, and then widened into the regeneration ecology of trees, and the dendrology of forest trees.


Forest Research representative on the National Arboreta Advisory Committee
Member UK National Tree Seed Project Advisory Group
Member of the Steering Committee for the Domestication of Mulanje Cedar Darwin Initiative project

Research Fellow

Alice Holt

Alice Holt Lodge




Related Publications


An analysis of conifer experiments in Britain to identify productive alternatives to Sitka spruce

An analysis of relevant species trials was carried out to assess the productivity of potential alternative conifer species to Sitka spruce on upland site types in Britain. Data from 87 forest experiments planted between 1929 and 1995 were analysed to compare long-term performance of 52 species with that of Sitka spruce under the same conditions and site type.



Direct seeding of birch, rowan and alder can be a viable technique for the restoration of upland native woodland in the UK

Direct seeding of birch, rowan and alder can be a viable technique for the restoration of upland native woodland in the UK

Hot-water treatment as a possible method for eradicating Chalara fraxinea (Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus) infection from ash fruits (Fraxinus excelsior L)

Treating ash seeds with hot water may kill Chalara infection Immersing ash seeds in 44 °C water for 5 hours may eradicate Chalara infection in ash seeds without significantly reducing the viability of the seeds. Forest Research scientists have published the results of this trial in Quarterly Journal of Forestry. Batches of ash fruits were subjected to […]

Species preference of small mammals for direct-sown tree and shrub seeds

Direct seeding can be a useful method for creating new woodland on former agricultural sites. However, the success of the technique is variable when it is used to restore conifer plantation sites to native species. Seed predation by small mammals, particularly the wood mouse, has been identified as a factor potentially limiting success. Small mammals […]

Peer reviewed journal articles

Main recent publications and knowledge exchange activities
Peer reviewed journal articles

Savill, P., Wilson, S., Mason, B., Jinks, R., Stokes, V., & Christian, T. (2017). Alternative spruces to Sitka and Norway. Part 1 – Serbian spruce (Picea omorika). Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 111(1), 32–39.

Savill, P., Wilson, S.McG., Mason, W.L., and Jinks, R. (2016). Silver firs (Abies spp.) of Europe and the Near-East: species, silviculture, and utilisation potential. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 110, 16–27.

Wilson, S. M., Mason, B., Jinks, R., Gil-Moreno, D., & Savill, P. (2016). The redwoods and red cedar: coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), giant redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum) and western red cedar (Thuja plicata) – species, silviculture and utilisation potential. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 110(4), 244–256.

Kerr, G., Stokes, V., Peace, A., & Jinks, R. (2015). Effects of provenance on the survival, growth and stem form of European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Britain. European Journal of Forest Research, 134(2), 349–363.

McCartan, S. A., Jinks, R. L., & Barsoum, N. (2015). Using thermal time models to predict the impact of assisted migration on the synchronization of germination and shoot emergence of oak (Quercus robur L.). Annals of Forest Science, 72(4), 479–487.

Midmore, E. K., McCartan, S. A., Jinks, R. L. & Cahalan, C. M. (2015). Using thermal time models to predict germination of five provenances of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) in southern England. Silva Fennica vol. 49(2): 1-12.

Shelagh A. McCartan and Richard L. Jinks (2015) Upgrading Seed Lots of European Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) Using Imbibition-Drying-Separation. Tree Planters’ Notes 58(2): 21-27.

Shelagh A. McCartan, Joan F. Webber and Richard L. Jinks. (2015) Hot-water treatment as a possible method for eradicating Chalara fraxinea (Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus) infection from ash fruits (Fraxinus excelsior L). Quarterly Journal of Forestry 109, 18-23.

Hemery, G., Jinks, R., Lloyd, S., & Ralph, J. (2014). SilviFuture. Promoting and sharing knowledge of novel forest species. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 108(1), 43–47.

Jinks, R.L., Parratt, M. and Morgan, G. (2012) Preference of rodents for seeds of 12 temperate tree and shrub species. Forest Ecology and Management 278, 71-79).

Willoughby, I.H., Jinks, R.L., Morgan, G.W., Pepper, H., Budd, J. and Mayle, B. (2011). The use of repellents to reduce predation of tree seed by wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) and grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin). European Journal of Forest Research, 130, 601-611.

Silvertown,J., Tallowin,J., Stevens,C., Power,S.A., Morgan,V., Emmett,B., Hester,A., Grime,P.J., Morecroft,M., Buxton,R., Poulton,P., Jinks,R., Bardgett,R. (2010). Environmental myopia: a diagnosis and a remedy. Trends in ecology & evolution 25[10], 556-561.

Willoughby, I. and Jinks, R.L. (2009). The effect of duration of vegetation management on broadleaved woodland creation by direct seeding. Forestry 82 (3), 343-359.

Mason, W.L., Jinks, R.L. and Harrison, A.J. (2008). An Overview of Long-term Forest Experiments in Great Britain managed by Forest Research. In: Karlsson, Kristian (eds.). 2008. Long-Term Field Experiments in Forest Research. Metlan työraportteja / Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 105. 47 s. ISBN 978-951-40-2144-2 (PDF).

Willoughby, I., Dixon, F.L., Clay, D.V. and Jinks, R.L. (2007). Tolerance of broadleaved tree and shrub seedlings to preemergence herbicides (PDF-924K). New Forests 34, 1-12.

Jinks, R.L., Willoughby, I., and Baker, C. (2006). Direct seeding of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.): the effects of sowing date, pre-emergent herbicides, cultivation, and protection on seedling emergence and survival. Forest Ecology and Management 237, 373-386.

Willoughby, I., Jinks, R.L. and Stokes, V. (2006). The tolerance of newly emerged broadleaved tree seedlings to the herbicides clopyralid, cycloxydim and metazachlor (PDF-824K). Forestry, 79 (4): 599-608.

Willoughby, I., Jinks, R.L., Kerr, G., and Gosling, P.G. (2004). Factors affecting the success of direct seeding for lowland afforestation in the UK. Forestry (Oxford) 77, 467-482.

Trout, R., Moore, N., and Jinks, R. (2004). Damaging agents or biodiversity: small mammals and young trees. In Managing Woodlands and their Mammals. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Book and book chapters (including published conference proceedings)

Kerr, G., Webber, J.F., Mason, W.L., Jinks, R.L., Jennings, T. (2015). Building resilience into planted forests: recent experience from Great Britain. In XIV WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015 (pp. 7–11).

Jinks, R.L. (2003). Propagation of Conifers. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conifer Conference. ISHS., pp. 303-307.

Stokes, J., Hand, K., Gosling, P.G., Jinks, R.L., and Patch, D. (2001). The Good Seed Guide. The Tree Council.

Trade journal and newsletter articles

Jinks., R. (2015). Observing nature. All about phenology. Westonbirt Magazine, 100, 14–19.

Jinks, R. (2014). Trees on Trial. Measuring up in Silk Wood. Westonbirt Magazine, 95, 35–41.

Jinks, R. (2013). What is an arboretum? Winkworth Friends’ Newsletter, Summer, 1.

Jinks, R. (2009). Trees for change. The Westonbirt Magazine. (76) 32–37.

FC and FR publications including official statistics

Jinks, R. and Kerr, G. (2016). Summary of FR seed origin trials on Cryptomeria japonica and Sequoia sempervirens. Report to Forestry Commission England.

Parratt, M., & Jinks, R. (2013). Species preference of small mammals for direct-sown tree and shrub seeds. FC Research Information Note, FCRN013.

Willoughby, I., Harrison, A., Jinks, R.L., Gosling, P.G., Harmer, R. and Kerr, G. (2007). The potential for direct seeding of birch on restock sites (PDF-386K). Forestry Commission Information Note 84. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Willoughby,I., Jinks,R., Gosling,P., and Kerr,G. (2004). Creating new broadleaved woodlands by direct seeding (PDF-647K). Forestry Commission Practice Guide.

Contract and project reports – excluding any which are commercially confidential

Orazio, C., Cordero Debets, R., Di Lucchio, L., Cantero, A., Diez Casero, J., Prieto Recio, C, Bravo, F., Gartzia Bengoetxea, N., Arias González, A., Jinks, R., Paillassa, E., Pastuszka, P., José Rozados Lorenzo, M., Silva Pando, F.J., Traver, M.C.,  Zabalza, S., Nóbrega, C., Caetano Ferreira, M.G., Almeida, M.H., Correia, A., and Castro, A. (2013). Arboretum and demonstration site catalogue REINFFORCE (REsource INFrastructures for monitoring, adapting and protecting European Atlantic FORests under Changing climate). IEFC-EFIATLANTIC.

Web pages

Mason, W.L. and Jinks, R.L. Tree Species and provenance Right Trees for a Changing Climate

Software and associated manuals

Jinks, R.L. and Parratt, M. Forest Seedlings: A guide to the identification of tree and shrub seedlings in Britain. App for iPhone (iTunes) and Android (Google Play)