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Hannah is a Social Scientist in the Social and Economic Research Group (SERG). She works on a number of projects that involve collecting and interpreting data to help inform forest policy and management.

Hannah joined Forest Research in January 2023. She has a BA in Geography where she focussed largely on qualitative research, conducting projects in London, Hong Kong, and Southern Spain. During her MSc, Hannah focussed more on mixed-methods, statistical and GIS analyses, and gained an interest in the interactions between forestry and livelihoods. Her PhD addressed the misalignment between wildfire management, livelihoods, and conservation priorities. Hannah’s doctoral research focussed on using traditional ecological knowledge to better manage wildfires in forested areas, and she explored the hypothesis that wildfire can co-exist sustainably alongside protected areas without negatively impacting the state of biodiversity conservation and contributions to local livelihoods.

She is an interdisciplinary and mixed-methods researcher, and has experience using a combination of statistical analyses, remote sensing, and GIS alongside field-based and qualitative methods including interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Hannah also has a particular interest in community-led and participatory research methods.

Head shot of FR staff Member Hannah Wheeler

Hannah Wheeler

Social Scientist
Society and environment research group (SERG)

Forestry Commission Office

620 Coldharbour Lane


BS16 1EJ