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Research Forester: Researcher on Measurement Systems

Ewan is the leading scientist at Forest Research working on tree and timber measurement systems research. He draws on his forestry and wood science expertise to undertake systems analysis of forest management and wood supply chains, as part of life cycle assessment of forestry systems and wood products.

He is the principal point of contact and advisor for representatives of the forest industry, researchers and members of the public raising queries relating to forest, tree and timber measurement, methodologies and the practice of forest mensuration, including systems analysis of wood supply chains.

Ewan is also the programme manager for the Resource Assessment and Sector Monitoring theme of the Science and innovation strategy for forestry in Great Britain

Ewan studied Forestry at Aberdeen University between 1994 – 2001, completing a first degree and an MSc in Forestry and Wood Science by research. He then worked for the Forestry Contracting Association (FCA), initially as a research assistant whilst completing his MSc and then as a researcher dealing mainly with timber transport and woodfuel supply chain issues. He joined Forest Research in 2002.

  • Development of new measurement procedures, systems and methodologies
  • Reviewing new and emerging technologies for measurement of trees and forests
  • Integrating new measurement technologies with current systems.


  • Member of (GB) Tariff Application Working Group
  • Member of UK Woodland Carbon Code Advisory Board.
Research Forester
Mensuration, growth and yield

Northern Research Station

Other Research

Measurement systems

Developing experiments to evaluate innovative forest and tree measurement systems and technologies

Devising novel, cost-effective methodologies for evaluation of forest resources

Modernising current measurement publications, conventions and standards for timber measurement in the UK and ensuring standards in the UK are compatible with those in Europe (CEN)

Co-developing measurement systems for woodfuel and carbon estimation in trees and forests

Co-developing systems analyses of forest sector and wood supply chains as part of life cycle assessment of wood production systems.

Survey tools

Project manager for the support and development of the “Forestry Commission Tariff app”, a software-based tool for undertaking mensuration surveys in forests for the purposes of inventory and sale, used in public forest estates in England, Scotland and Wales.

Peer reviewed journal articles

Keith, A.M., Rowe, R.L., Parmar, K., Perks, M.P., Mackie, E., Dondini, M., McNamara, N. P.(2014) Implications of land use change to short rotation forestry in Great Britain for soil and biomass carbon. Global Change Biology Bioenergy.


Matthews, R.W., Jenkins, T.A.R., Mackie, E.D. and Dick, E.C. (2016) Forest Yield: A handbook on forest growth and yield tables for British forestry. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Mackie, E. and Matthews, R. (2008). Timber measurement. (Formerly FC Booklet 49). Forestry Commission.

Matthews, R. and Mackie, E. (2006). Forest Mensuration: A handbook for practitioners. (Formerly FC Booklet 39). Forestry Commission.

Contract and project reports

Matthews, R.W., Henshall, P.A., Beauchamp, K., Gruffudd, H., Hogan, G.P., Mackie, E.D., Sayce, M. and Morison, J.I.L. (2022) Quantifying the sustainable forestry carbon cycle: Summary Report. Forest Research: Farnham.

Jenkins, T.A.R., Mackie, E.D., Matthews, R.W., Miller, G., Randle, T.J. and White, M.E. (2018). FC Woodland Carbon Code: Carbon Assessment Protocol Version 2. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Craig, I.R., Mackie, E.D., Arcangeli, C. and Matthews, R.W. (2017) Growth and yield of young improved Sitka spruce stands. Report for FC Scotland. Forest Research: Farnham.

Matthews, R.W., Razauskaite, R., Hogan, G.P., Mackie, E.D., Sayce, M. and Randle, T.J. (2017) The CARBINE model: a technical description. Report prepared for BEIS. Forest Research: Farnham.

Matthews, R.W., Mackie, E.D. and Sayce, M. (2017) Natural Resources Wales Carbon Positive Project: greenhouse gas emissions and removals from woodlands on the NRW estate. Final project report to Natural Resources Wales. Forest Research: Farnham.

Matthews, R.W., Mortimer, N.D., Lesschen, J.P., Lindroos, T.J., Sokka, L., Morris, A., Henshall, P.A., Hatto, C., Mwabonje, O., Rix, J., Mackie, E.D. and Sayce, M. (2015) Carbon impact of biomass consumed in the EU: quantitative assessment. Final project report, project: DG ENER/C1/427. Forest Research: Farnham.

Matthews, R., Sokka, L., Soimakallio, S., Mortimer, N., Rix, J., Schelhaas, M-J., Jenkins, T., Hogan, G., Mackie, E., Morris, A. and Randle, T. (2014) Review of literature on biogenic carbon and life cycle assessment of forest bioenergy. Final Task 1 report, EU DG ENER project ENER/C1/427, ‘Carbon impacts of biomass consumed in the EU’. Forest Research: Farnham


Matthews, R.W., Henshall, P.A., Duckworth, R.R., Jenkins, T.A.R., Mackie, E.D. and Dick, E.C. (2016) Forest Yield: a PC-based yield model for forest management in Britain. User manual. Forestry Commission: Edinburgh.