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Amy recently returned from Germany, where she was working at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology. Here she was a postdoctoral research assistant, using a range of molecular techniques to investigate toxin resistance in vertebrates. Amy completed her PhD in 2018 at the University of Liverpool, on the mechanism of how peppered moth caterpillars change colour for camouflage; seeing through their skin! She is very much looking forward to applying her molecular skills to tree pathogen diagnostics and research!

Molecular Biologist
Tree health

Alice Holt

Alice Holt Lodge




Peer reviewed journal articles

Keenan V, Eacock A, Whitlock R, Cornell SJ (2020). Empirical evidence of dispersal trade-offs: a meta-analysis. In prep

Eacock A (2020). The caterpillars who see through their skin to better blend in. TheScienceBreaker

Eacock A, Rowland HM, van’t Hof AE, Yung CJ, Edmonds N, Saccheri IJ (2019). Extraocular photoreception mediates adaptive color change and background choice behavior in larvae of the peppered moth. Nature Communications Biology2, 286.

Eacock A, Rowland HM, Edmonds N, Saccheri IJ. (2017) Colour change of twig-mimicking peppered moth larvae is a continuous reaction norm that increases camouflage against avian predators. PeerJ5, e3999. DOI: