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Macek, J. (1975). Scirrhia pini, the pathogen of a new disease of Pine in Slovenia. Gozdarski Vestnik, 33, 9-11.

Magnani, G. (1977). Presence of Dothistroma pini on Pinus radiata. Cellulosa e Carta, 28, 37-42.

Mansilla-Vázquez, P., Pérez-Otero, R. & Vela-Fernández, P. (1997). (1997). Hongos de las acículas de pinus spp. en las masas forestales gallegas (218K) (Fungi isolated in needles of Pinus spp in Galicia (Spain)). Proceedings II Spanish National Congress 1997.


Dothistroma septosporum is a pathogen widely distributed (more common in warm areas), causing economic losses and mortality. The most characteristic symptom are (i) red and/or brown banding on the needles (shoots of the present and previous year) and (ii) black fruit bodies. D. septosporum was frequently found on P. radiata, but was not isolated on P. pinaster. Other fungi found on P. radiata associated to D. septosporum were Cyclaneusma minus, Pestalotia funerea, Sphaeropsis sapinea, Meloderma desmazierii and Strasseria geniculata, and, to a lesser extent, Botrytis cinerea, Pestalotia hartigii, Phomopsis occulta, Cytospora spp. and Epicoccum spp.

Marincovic, P. & Strajkovic, B. (1969). Ogledi suzbijanja Dothistroma pini Hulbary u kulturama crnog bora na Deliblatskom Pesku. Deliblatski Pesak Zbornik radova I, 247-252.

Markovic, M., Poljakovic-Pajnik, L., Drekic, M., Pap, P., Vasic, V., & Orlovic, S. (2011). Monitoring of harmful organisms on forest woody plants in parks and treelines in Novi Sad. Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor), 39, 634-638.

Markovskaja, S. & Treigiene, A. (2009). New data on invasive pathogenic fungus Dothistroma septosporum in Lithuania. Botanica Lithuanica, 15, 41-45.

Marks, G.C. (1981). Newly recorded diseases of Victorian forest trees. Australasian Plant Pathology, 10, 58-59.

Marks, G.C. & Hepworth, G. (1986). Effect of certain features of a stand of Pinus radiata on Dothistroma septospora needle blight. Australian Forest Research, 16, 223-229.

Marks, G.C. & Smith, I.W. (1987). Effect of canopy closure and pruning on Dothistroma septospora needle blight of Pinus radiata D. Don. Australian Forest Research, 17, 145-150.

Marks, G.C., Smith, I.W., & Cook, I.O. (1989). Spread of Dothistroma septospora in plantations of Pinus radiata in Victoria between 1979 and 1988. Australian Forestry, 52, 10-19.

Maschning, E. & Pehl, L. (1994). Threat to native Pinus mugo by Dothistroma. AFZ, Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift, 49, 249-252.

McDougal, R., Yang, S.Y., Schwelm, A., Stewart, A., & Bradshaw, R. (2011a). A novel GFP-based approach for screening biocontrol microorganisms in vitro against Dothistroma septosporum. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 87, 32-37.

McDougal, R.L., Schwelm, A., & Bradshaw, R.E. (2011b). Dothistromin biosynthesis genes allow inter- and intraspecific differentiation between Dothistroma pine needle blight fungi. Forest Pathology, 41, 407-416.

Milatovic, I (1976). Needle cast of pines caused by Schirrhia pini Funk et Parker and S. acicola (Dearn) Siggers in Yugoslavia. Poljoprivredna znanstvena smotra – Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus Vol 39 (49), 511-513

Milijasevic, T. & Karadzic, D. (2004). Parasitic and saprophytic fungi occurring in connexion with Sphaeropsis sapinea Dyko & Sutton. Glasnik Sumarskog Fakulteta, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 119-128.

Mireku, E. & Simpson, J.A. (2002). Fungal and nematode threats to Australian forests and amenity trees from importation of wood and wood products. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology-Revue Canadienne De Phytopathologie, 24, 117-124.

Morelet, M. (1967). Une maladie des pins, nouvelle pour la France, due à : Scirrhia pini Funk et Parker, et à son stade conidien: Dothistroma pini Hulbary. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 36, 361-7.

Muir, J.A. & Cobb, F.W. (2005). Infection of radiata and bishop pine by Mycosphaerella pini in California. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere, 35, 2529-2538.

Muller, M.M., Hantula, J., & Vuorinen, M. (2009). First Observations of Mycosphaerella pini on Scots Pine in Finland. Plant Disease, 93, 322-U39.

Murray, J.S. (1967). Dothistroma pini Hulbary – Its occurrence in Europe. In XIV IUFRO-Congress. Munchen.

Murray, J.S. & Batko, S. (1962). Dothistroma pini Hulbary: A new disease on pine in Britain. Forestry, 34, 57-65.

Muria-Gonzalez, M. J., Chooi, Y. H., Breen, S., & Solomon, P. S. (2015). The past, present and future of secondary metabolite research in the Dothideomycetes. Molecular plant pathology, 16(1), 92-107.

Mutiso, P.M. (1970). Verbreitung und Symptome der durch Dothistroma Pini Hulbary und durch Scleroderris Lagerberg II Gremmen hervorgerufenen Erkrankungen an Pinus-Arten.

Neumann, F.G., Collett, N.G., & Smith, I.W. (1993). The Sirex wasp and its biological control in plantations of radiata pine variably defoliated by Dothistroma septospora in north-eastern Victoria. Australian Forestry, 56, 129-139.

Neumann, F.G. & Marks, G.C. (1990). Status and management of insect pests and diseases in Victorian softwood plantations. Australian Forestry, 53, 131-144.

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New Zealand, F.R.I., Rotorua (1977). The wax coating on radiata pine needles. What’s New in Forest Research, 4 pp.-4 pp.

Nicholls, T.H. & Hudler, G.W. (1971). Dothistroma pini on Pinus nigra in Minnesota. Plant Disease Reporter, 55, 1040.

Nicholson, J.H. (1972). Studies on the phylloplane microflora of Pinus radiata D. Don and its interaction with the fungal pathogen Dothistroma pini Hulbary.

Nowakowska, J. A., Tereba, A., & Oszako, T. (2014). Determining invasiveness and risk of dothistroma needle blight. Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A, Forestry, 56(3), 157-159.

Ohm, R.A., Feau, N., Henrissat, B., Schoch, C.L., Horwitz, B.A., Barry, K.W., Condon, B.J., Copeland, A.C., Dhillon, B., & Glaser, F. (2012). Diverse lifestyles and strategies of plant pathogenesis encoded in the genomes of eighteen Dothideomycetes fungi. PLoS Pathogens, 8, e1003037.

Olsen, P.F. (1971). Dothistroma spraying experience 1966 to 1970. New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 16, 101-104.

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Parker, A.K. (1972). Artificial inoculation of Pinus radiata with Scirrhia (Dothistroma) pini: effect of relative humidity and temperature on incubation. Phytopathology, 62.

Parker, A.K. & Collis, D.G. (1966). Dothistroma needle blight of pines in British Columbia. The Forestry Chronicle, 42, 160-161.

Pas, J.B.v.d. (1981). Reduced early growth rates of Pinus radiata caused by Dothistroma pini. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 11, 210-220.

Pas, J.B.v.d., Bulman, L., & Horgan, G.P. (1984a). Disease control by aerial spraying of Dothistroma pini in tended stands of Pinus radiata in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 14, 23-40.

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Peterson, G.W. & Walla, J.A. (1978). Development of Dothistroma pini upon and within needles of Austrian and ponderosa pines in eastern Nebraska. Phytopathology, 68, 1422-1430.

Petkov P. 1993. Dothistroma pini Hulbary on Pinus nigra Arn. in north-east Bulgaria(PDF-3105K). In: Proceeding Conference of “Plant protection”, 24 March 1993, Sofia, pp. 82-85. [in Bulgarian, English summary]

Petkov P. 2000. Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyco et Sutton and Dothistroma pini Hulbary on the Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) in Bulgaria(PDF-1177), Forest science, 2/3, 105-108. [in Bulgarian, English summary]

Pfister, S.E., Halik, S., & Bergdahl, D.R. (2000). Dothistroma needle blight, caused by Dothistroma septospora, of Pinus spp. in Vermont. Plant Disease, 84, 706-706.

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(Phytopathology problems of Pseudotsuga menziesii in Galicia.


The objective of this work is to know the phytosanitary status of the main plantations of Pseudotsuga menziensii in Galicia and of the main nurseries producing them. For this purpose we have taken samples of soil, roots and aereal parts and identified in laboratory, insects and fungal pathogens that were present in those samples. The main fungus found in nurseries were fungus of the damping-off complex, basically, Phytophthora cinnamomi and Fusarium spp and in adult plants Armillaria mellea and acicular fungus as Phaerocryptopus gauemanii and Dothistroma septospora. In connection with insects found we can mentionborer insects:Ips sexdentatus, Tomicus piniperda, Orthotomicus erosus, Hylobius abietis and Rhyazonia buoliana, European pine shoot moth, as well as sucker insects as Adelges cooleyi y Heliotrips haemorroidalis.)

Piou, D., & Ioos, R. (2014). First Report of Dothistroma pini, a Recent Agent of the Dothistroma Needle Blight, on Pinus radiata in France. Plant Disease, 98(6), 841-841.

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(Evolution of the vitality of the Spanish and European forests: 1987-2008, over 20 years monitoring in Europe.
European network level I (ICP Forest) was established to monitor the forest health in Europe. The results obtained from this networks point out that within the damages caused by fungi, Thyriopsis halepensis followed by Mycospherella pini are the pathogens most widespread, represented 34 % of the damages caused by fungi.

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