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Themes: Forest Management

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776 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Creating and managing woodlands around towns

    Lead Author: Simon J. Hodge
    This Handbook describes how to plan, create and manage urban woodlands. The primary role of urban forestry is to provide multi-purpose woodlands which improve the quality of daily life for the 46 million urban people of Britain and so the Handbook goes beyond the technical issues of establishing and managing trees to encompass community involvement, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Managing forests for biodiversity

    Lead Author: Richard Ferris-Kaan
    Managing Forests for Biodiversity was the title of a one-day symposium, organised by the British Ecological Society’s Forest Ecology Group, and held at the Maybury Hotel, Edinburgh on 2 September 1992. This Technical Paper is a record of papers presented at the symposium plus additional information, preceded by a brief introductory review. The symposium was […]
  • Publications

    Forest operations and badger setts

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This guide concentrates upon safeguarding setts and badgers within setts. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice on the wider aspects of managing forests for the benefit of badgers although it includes some measures which go beyond what is strictly necessary to avoid an offence under the 1992 Act, in order to minimise disturbance […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Creating new native woodlands

    Lead Author: John Rodwell
    This Bulletin combines expertise in woodland ecology and up-to-date silvicultural knowledge.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Wildlife rangers handbook

    Lead Author: G.D. Springthorpe
    This Handbook is based on the creative conservation employed at Cannock. It is a manual written by working wildlife rangers for working wildlife rangers, and it will benefit shy and endangered wildlife and the public who can now enjoy them. The Handbook includes sections on: the ranger and forestry, wildlife and conservation, crop protection, deer […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Reclaiming disturbed land for forestry

    Lead Author: Andy Moffat
    This Bulletin has been written to give up-to-date practical advice to people involved in the reclamation of disturbed land who wish to plant trees on the restored site. The Bulletin provides a comprehensive guide both to mineral companies, in preparing planning applications which involve proposals for forestry, and to mineral planning authorities, in considering such […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest nursery herbicides

    Lead Author: David Williamson
    Information is given on the use of forest nursery herbicides. Much of this information is based on the results of Forestry Commission experiments. A brief description of the types of herbicides is given followed by information on the various herbicides which can be used at the different stages of forest nursery stock production. This publication […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Classification and presentation of softwood sawlogs (2nd edition)

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    These recommendations are agreed by Forest Enterprise, the British Timber Merchants' Association, and the UK Softwood Sawmillers Association. The normal practice of the Forestry Commission will be to classify parcels of sawlogs offered for sale into four categories: green, red, short green, and log pole, for which descriptions are given. The FC aims to maximise […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] A manual of good practice for the use of sewage sludge in forestry

    Lead Author: R. Wolstenholme
    Sewage sludge, a mixture of solids and water produced during the treatment of waste water, can be used as a valuable fertiliser and is currently widely used as such in agriculture. Since 1981 a joint Forestry Commission/WRc research programme has evaluated the growth responses and environmental implications of sewage sludge applications to forests (Bayes et […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Establishing farm woodlands

    Lead Author: D.R. Williamson
    Diversification into new land use is now being actively encouraged for farmers and landowners facing agricultural surpluses and falling incomes. Woodland is one of the options for consideration. In the main, requirements in Britain for timber and timber products are satisfied through imports, so potential demand for British grown timber is there to be exploited. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forest fencing

    Lead Author: H.W. Pepper
    Fencing is a necessary but expensive forest management operation. While it is possible to erect a fence that is completely effective against any animal, this is usually too costly. Any forest fence is a compromise between expense and effectiveness. The introduction of spring steel wire by the Forestry Commission into the construction of forest fences […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry Expansion – a study in technical, economic and ecological factors – Assessing the returns to the economy and to society from investments in forestry

    Lead Author: D. Pearce
    This is one of a series of papers which form part of a study to consider the scale, location and nature of forestry expansion in Britain.