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775 Search Results

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  • Publications

    [Archive] Forestry practice publications (1997)

    leaflet with information about Forestry practice publications
  • Publications

    [Archive] Revised forecasts of the supply and demand for wood in the United Kingdom

    Lead Author: Adrian Whiteman
    This publication presents models of wood supply and wood product demand for the UK to 2050. The forecasts show that it is likely that wood supply will increase with demand up to 2025. After that, if no new planting is undertaken, supply will fall while demand will continue to rise (although in this respect there […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The native woodland resource in the Scottish lowlands: a review of current statistics

    Lead Author: Neil A. Mackenzie
    This report provides a summary account of the present extent, distribution, composition and condition of the native woodlands in the Scottish Lowlands. There are approx 29,000 ha of which over half is of natural origin and commonly of birch and oak. In the planted areas, oak, ash and elm predominate. The percentage of native species […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Water storage of timber: experience in Britain

    Lead Author: Joan Webber (Ed)
    From time to time a calamity such as forest fire or violent storm requires that timber is salvaged quickly. Where such timber is plantation grown the investment loss that major destruction brings is catastrophic unless the most valuable timber can be saved and then marketed in an orderly way. This Bulletin reports on a successful […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Herbicides for farm woodlands and short rotation coppice

    Lead Author: Ian Willoughby
    Information is given on the use of herbicides in farm woodland and short rotation coppice. Recommendations are given for suitable herbicides for a range of crop and weed species. Approval status, approved products, crop tolerance, weed susceptibility and herbicide mixtures are discussed. A lengthy appendix lists notices of approval for proprietary products. This publication is […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Borates for stump protection: a literature review

    Lead Author: J.E. Pratt
    The use of borates for the control of Fomes root and butt rot of conifers is reviewed in relation to the history of their use in wood preservatives, their efficacy as stump treatment materials, and their effect on the environment. Effectiveness, phytotoxicity, vertebrate toxicity, and environmental impact are all considered. Borates are effective in controlling […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of treeshelters: 1992 survey

    Lead Author: Gary Kerr
    The correct use of treeshelters is important to ensure successful and rapid early establishment of young trees. Almost 200 sites were surveyed with the object of comparing actual usage of treeshelters with the recommendations (see FC Handbook 7). Effective weed control is essential with use of treeshelters. Height of treeshelters must take into account the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Decline in Sitka spruce on the South Wales coalfield

    Lead Author: M.P. Coutts
    This Technical Paper describes a collaborative effort to explain the reduced growth at time of canopy closure or later of Sitka spruce on parts of the South Wales coalfield. Stem analysis showed that growth had declined steeply over a period of about four years. Decline was associated with thin crowns and with bending of the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Analysis of the changes in forest condition in Britain 1989 to 1992

    Lead Author: Richard A. Mather
    A computer system was developed for mapping the Forestry Commission’s records of forest condition in Great Britain. This facility also conveniently allows forest condition records to be combined with meteorological and pollution data. The present Forestry Commission survey was evaluated to determine how well the design represented certain regional and local variations in environmental (including […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of herbicides in the forest (4th edition)

    Lead Author: Ian Willoughby
    A comprehensive account of chemical weed control techniques for use in forestry. Covers pesticide legislation, safety precautions and good working practices, herbicides for use against specific weed vegetation types, farm forestry weed control, protective clothing and personal equipment, application equipment and output guides, lists of herbicides and manufacturers, sources of advice, and an index of […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Creating and managing woodlands around towns

    Lead Author: Simon J. Hodge
    This Handbook describes how to plan, create and manage urban woodlands. The primary role of urban forestry is to provide multi-purpose woodlands which improve the quality of daily life for the 46 million urban people of Britain and so the Handbook goes beyond the technical issues of establishing and managing trees to encompass community involvement, […]