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Published papers, book chapters and other reports

S. van der Linde, L.M. Suz, D.L. Orme, F. Cox, H. Andreae, E. Asi, B. Atkinson, S. Benham, C. Carroll, N. Cools, B. De Vos, H. Dietrich, J. Eichhorn, J. Gehrmann, T. Grebenc, H.S. Gweon, K. Hansen, F. Jacob, F. Kristöfel, P. Lech, M. Manninger, J. Martin, H. Meesenburg, P. Merilä, M. Nicolas, P. Pavlenda, P. Rautio, M. Schaub, H. Schröck, W. Seidling, V. Šrámek, A. Thimonier, I.M. Thomsen, H. Titeux, E. Vanguelova, A. Verstraeten, L. Vesterdal, P. Waldner, S. Wijk, Y. Zhang, D. Žlindra,  M.I. Bidartondo. (2018). Environment and host as large-scale controls of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Nature.

Mathias Neumann, Liisa Ukonmaanaho, James Johnson, Sue Benham, Lars Vesterdal, Radek Novotný, Arne Verstraeten, Lars Lundin, Anne Thimonier, Panagiotis Michopoulos, Hubert Hasenauer. (2018). Quantifying Carbon and Nutrient Input from Litterfall in European Forests using Field Observations and Modelling. Biogeochemistry, Volume 32, Issue 5, Pages 737-901.

Anita Nussbaumer, Peter Waldner, Sue Benham et al. Patterns of mast fruiting of common beech, sessile and common oak, Norway spruce and Scots pine in Central and Northern Europe. (2016) Forest Ecology and Management 363:237-251.

Waldner, P. Thimonier, A., Benham S, Vanguelova E, et al. Exceedance of critical loads and of critical limits impacts tree nutrition across Europe. (2015) Annals of Forest Science, DOI 10.1007/s13595-015-0489-2.

Matthew R. Evans, Aristides Moustakas, Gregory Carey, Yadvinder Malhi, Nathalie Butt, Sue Benham, Denise Pallett & Stefanie Schäfer. Allometry and growth of eight tree taxa in United Kingdom woodlands (2015) Sci. Data 2:150006 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.6 (2015).

Suz,LM. Benham, S., et al. Monitoring ectomycorrhizal fungi at large scales for science, forest management, fungal conservation and environmental policy. (2015) Annals of Forest science DOI 10.1007/s13595-014-0447-4

Arcangeli, C., Wilkinson, M., Williams, M., Morgan, G. and Taylor, P. (2007). Modelling canopy rainfall and interception (Final report to EU) Project no. FF304UK01 ‘ An evaluation of the benefits of increased sampling of tree and forest canopy rainfall interception to improve modelling of catchment water dynamics.’ Pp. 94.

Waldner, P., Benham, S., Vanguelova, E.I., et al. Detection of temporal trends in atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen and sulphate to forests in Europe. (2014)

Mathieu Jonard, M., Benham, S., et al. Tree mineral nutrition is deteriorating in Europe.(2014) Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12657

Tipping, E., Benham, S., Crow, P. et al. Atmospheric deposition of phosphorus to land and freshwater. (2014). Environmental Science Processes and Impacts. DOI 10.1039/c3em00641g

Pitman, R.M., Benham, S., Poole, J. A chronosequence study of soil nutrient status under oak and Corsican pine with Ellenberg assessed ground vegetation changes. (2013), J. Forestry 2013; doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpt051

Dick, J., Benham, S. et al. (2011). A comparison of ecosystem services delivered by 11 long-term monitoring sites in the UK environmental change network. Environmetrics DOI:10.1002/env.1069. Wiley online.

Pitman, R., Vanguelova, E.I. and Benham, S. (2010). Effects of phytophagous insects on water and soil nutrient concentrations and fluxes through forest stands in the Level II monitoring network in the UK. Science of the Total Environment 409 169-181

Barsoum, N. (2007). Forest health – has acid rain made way for climate change? And how will we know? Forestry and Timber News (Dec. issue), pp17-19.

Benham, S. (2008). The Environmental Change Network at Alice Holt Research Forest. Forestry Commission Research Note. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Benham, S.E., Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Schaub, M., Calatayud, V. and Bussotti, F. (2010). Using commercial tree nurseries to monitor visible ozone injury – an evaluation. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1824–1831.

Benham, S.E., Vanguelova, E. I. and Pitman, R.M. (2012). Short and long term changes in carbon, nitrogen and acidity in the forest soils under oak at the Alice Holt Environmental Change Network site. Science of the Total Environment. 421-422.

Broadmeadow, M. and Randle, T. (2002). The impacts of increased CO2 concentrations on tree growth and function. In: Climate Change: Impacts on UK Forests (ed. M Broadmeadow). Forestry Commission Bulletin 125. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Broadmeadow, M., Matthews, R. (2003). Forests, carbon and climate change: the UK contribution. Information Note 48. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Broadmeadow, M. Kennedy, F., Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S., Pitman, R., Crow, P, Griffiths, M. (2002). Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and Acidification of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Second annual progress report (June 2003) of the Forest Research sub-contract to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Broadmeadow, M. S. J., Pitman, R. M., Jackson, S. B., Randle T. J. and Durrant, D.W.H. (2000). Upgrading the Level II protocol for physiological modelling of cause-effect relationships: A pilot study. Final report for EC project No. 98.60.UK.003.0. Forestry Commission, UK.

Calder, I.R., Reid, I., Nisbet, T.R., Armstrong, A., Green, J.C. and Parkin, G. (2002). Study of the potential impacts on water resources of proposed afforestation. Milestone 5 (2nd phase) report. DEFRA Contract CWO 633-II.

Crow, P. (2008) Mineral weathering in forest soils and its relevance to the preservation of the buried archaeological resource. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35. 2262-2273

Durrant, D. (2000). Environmental monitoring in British forests. Information Note 37. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Forestry Commission (2002). UK Indicators of Sustainable Forestry. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Freer-Smith, P.H. and Kennedy, F. (2003). Base cation removal in harvesting and biological limit terms for use in the simple mass balance equation to calculate critical loads for forest soils. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 145 (1), 409-427.

Freer-Smith, P., Evans, S., Morgan, G., Ilvesniemi, H., Finer, L., Moffat, A., Derome, J., Humphrey, J., Laine, J., Michalak, R. and Pawlaczyk, P. (2006). Development and review concerning Forest Focus (PDF-1570K). Final Report for EU Contract No C2 – 07 03 01/ 2004/396316/MAR/B3.

Graham, K., Crow, P., Fell, V., Simpson, P., Wyeth, P., Baker, R., and Griffin, V. (2007). A Woodland Burial Study: Report on six month modern analogue samples. Archaeological conservation report series no. 17/2007. ISSN 1749-8775, English Heritage. 106 pp.

Haines-Young, R.H., Barr, C.J. and 22 others (2000). Accounting for nature: assessing habitats in the UK countryside, DETR, London.

Hall, J., Reynolds, B., Langan, S., Hornung, M., Kennedy, F. and Aherne, J. (2001). Investigating the uncertainties in the simple mass balance equation for acidity critical loads for terrestrial ecosystems in the United Kingdom. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1, 43-56.

Hall J, Ullyett J and 33 others (2003). Status of UK critical loads – critical loads methods, data & maps. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Huntingdon.

Houston, T.J., Durrant, D.W. and Benham, S.E. (2002). Sampling in a variable environment: selection of representative positions of throughfall collectors for volume and chemistry under three tree species in the UK. Forest and Ecology Management 158, 1-8.

Kennedy, F. (2003). How extensive are the impacts of nitrogen pollution in forest ecosystems in Great Britain? (PDF-442K) In: Forest Research Annual Report and Accounts 2001-2002. Stationery Office, Edinburgh, 66-75.

Kennedy, F., Rowell, D., Moffat, A.J. and Singh, B. (2001). An analysis of the structure of the simple mass balance equation: implications for testing national critical load maps. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1, 281-298.

Kirwan, N., Oliver, M.A., Moffat, A.J. and Morgan, G.W. (2005). Sampling the soil in long term forest plots: the implications of spatial variation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 111, 149-172.

Langan, S.J., Hall, J., Reynolds, B., Broadmeadow, M., Hornung, M. and Cresser, M.S., (2004). The development of an approach to assess critical loads of acidity for woodland habitats in Great Britain., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8, 353-365.

Langan, S., Fransson, L. and Vanguelova, E. (2009). Dynamic modelling of UK forest soils to changes in acid deposition using the SAFE model. Science of the Total Environment 407, 5605-5619.

Mason, W.L., Nicoll, B.C. and Perks, M (2009). Mitigation potential of sustainably managed forests. In: Read, D.J., Freer-Smith, P.H., Morison, J.I.L., Hanley, N., West, C.C. and Snowdon, P. (eds) Combating climate change – a role for UK forests. An assessment of the potential of UK’s trees and woodlands to mitigate and adapt to climate change. TSO, London, pp. 100-118.

Matthews, R.W. and Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2003). Survey Methods for Kyoto Protocol Monitoring and Verification of UK Forest Carbon Stocks. In: UK Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks due to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Activities, Report, April 2003. DEFRA, London.

Meir, P., Kruijt. B., Broadmeadow, M., Barbosa, E., Kull, O., Carswell, F., Nobre, A. and Jarvis, P. (2002). Acclimation of photosynthetic capacity to irradiance in tree canopies in relation to leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf mass per unit area. Plant, Cell and Environment 25, 343-358.

Moffat, A.J. (2002). The state of British forests at the beginning of the 21st century. International Forestry Review 4(3) 171-183.

Moffat, A.J. and Kennedy, F.M. (2002). Indicators of soil quality for UK forestry. In: Identification and development of a set of national indicators for soil quality. P.J. Loveland and T.R.E. Thompson (eds). Environment Agency Research and Development Project Record P5-053/PR/02, 77-104.

Moffat, A.J., Davies, S.A. and Finér, L. (2008). Reporting the results of forest monitoring – an evaluation of the European forest monitoring programme. Forestry 81, 75-90.

Morecroft, M.D., Bealey, C.E., Beaumont, D.A., Benham, S., Brooks, D.R., Burt, T.P., Critchley, C.N.R., Dick, J., Littlewood, N.A., Monteith, D.T., Scott, W.A., Smith, R.I., Walmsey, C. and Watson, H. (2009). The UK Environmental Change Network: emerging trends in the composition of plant and animal communities and the physical environment. Biological Conservation 142, 2814-2832.

Mosello, R., Amoriello, T., Benham, S., Clarke, N., Derome, J., Derome, K., Genouw, G., Koenig, N., Orru, A., Tartari, G., Thimonier, A., Ulrich E., and Lindross, A. (2008). Validation of chemical analyses of atmospheric deposition on forested sites in Europe : 2. DOC concentration as an estimator of organic ion charge. J. Limnol. 67(1): 1-14.

Pitman, R. and Vanguelova, E. (2006). Influences of stand age and soil properties on forest biodiversity (PDF-1061K). In: Forest Research Annual Report and Accounts 2004 (2005). The Stationery Office, Edinburgh.

Pitts, A., Benham, S., Straw, N.A. and Moffat, A.J. (2005). Evaluation of moth-trap data from Alice Holt Forest, Hampshire 1966-2001: possible effects of changing climate on Macrolepidoptera., Entomologist’s Gazette 56 237-247.

Vanguelova, E., Nortcliff, S., Kennedy, F.M. and Moffat, A.J. (2002). The effects of Al on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) root development and nutrient uptake. 17th WCSS Abstracts, Vol. II, Symposium No. 14, pp. 584. Paper no. 2125 in the Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14-21 August 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.

Vanguelova, E., Nortcliff, S., Kennedy, F.M. and Moffat, A.J. (2001). Soil acidification and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) root response. Proceedings of the 6th symposium of the ISRR, November 11-15, Nagoya, Japan. Root Research Vol. 10, Extra issues N: 1, pp. 172-173, ISSN 1919-2182.

Vanguelova, E., Nortcliff, S., Kennedy, F.M., and Moffat, A.J. (2002). The effects of Al on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) root development and nutrient uptake. 17th WCSS Abstracts, Vol. II, Symposium No. 14, pp. 584. Paper no. 2125 in the Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14-21 August 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.

Vanguelova, E.I., Nortcliff, S., Moffat, A.J. and Kennedy, F. (2005). Morphology, biomass and nutrient status of fine roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) as influenced by seasonal fluctuations in soil moisture and soil solution chemistry. Plant and Soil 270, 233-247.

Vanguelova, E., Moffat, A. and Lynch, J. (2006). Impact of forestry on soil quality in the UK. In: Milà i Canals, L., Basson, L., Clift, R., Müller-Wenk, R., Bauer, C., Hansen, Y. and Brandão, M. (eds) Expert Workshop on Definition of Best Indicators for Biodiversity and Soil Quality for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Proceedings and Conclusions Guildford, 12-13 June 2006, 24-27.

Vanguelova, E.I., Nortcliff, S., Moffat, A.J. and Kennedy, F. (2007). Short-term effects of manipulated increase in acid deposition on soil, soil solution chemistry and fine roots in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand on a podzol. Plant and Soil 294, 41-54.

Vanguelova, E., Barsoum, N., Benham, S., Broadmeadow, M., Moffat, A.J., Nisbet, T.R. and Pitman, R. (2007). Ten years of intensive environmental monitoring in British forests. Forestry Commission Information Note 88, Edinburgh.

Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S. and Pitman R. (2007). Changes in rainfall, throughfall and soil solution chemistry in the Level II long term forest monitoring plots. In Derome, J., Lindroos, A.J. and Kilponen, T. (eds.). Scientific Seminar on Forest Condition Monitoring and Ecosystem Functioning in Northern Europe under the Forest Focus and ICP Forests Programmes, Vantaa 27. – 28.11.2007. ISBN 978-951-40-2088-9 (PDF); ISSN 1795-150X.

Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S., Pitman, R., Moffat, A.J., Broadmeadow, M., Nisbet, T., Durrant, D., Barsoum, N., Wilkinson, M., Bochereau, F., Hutchings, T., Broadmeadow, S., Crow, P., Taylor, P. and Durrant, T. (2009). Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK – soil response to pollution recovery. Environmental Pollution 158, 1857-1869.

Internal/unpublished reports

Benham. S., Broadmeadow. M., Schaub, M., Catalyud, V., Sanz, M. and Busotti, F. (2006). An evaluation of the use of commercial tree nurseries to monitor visible ozone injury and assess exceedance of the ozone critical load at Level 1. Final report and contract to EC and UNECE- ICP Forests under (EC)2152/2003.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2001). Ozone monitoring 2000 – UK monitoring relevant to the UN/ECE ICP Forests Intensive Forest Health Monitoring Network. Forest Research internal report.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2001) Climate change research activities 2000-2001. Forest Research Internal Report.

Broadmeadow, M., Benham, S., Wilkinson, M. (2004). Growth uptake of heavy metals by British Forests: implications for critical load mapping. Report under Defra contract EPG 1/3/188 – further development of an effects based approach for cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. Forest Research, Farnham.

Broadmeadow, M., Kennedy, F., Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S., Pitman, R., Crow, P. and Griffiths, M. (2004). Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial Ecosystems. Final Report (May 2004) of the Forest Research sub-contract to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Broadmeadow, M., Vanguelova, E. and Wohlebber, T. (2007). Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and Acidification of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Final report of the Forest Research sub-contract to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Crow, P. (2002). A soil guide to longevity: woodland soil chemistry and implications for the buried archaeological resource. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Reading.

Emmett, B.A., Black, H., Bradley, R.I., Elston, D., Reynolds, B., Creamer, R. Frogbrook, Z.L., Hudson, G., Jordan, C., Lilly, A., Moffat, A., Potts, A. and Vanguelova E. (2006). SNIFFER LQ09.

Green, G. (2002). Effects of SO2, NOx and O3 on forest insects. Unpublished Report, Entomology Department, Forest Research.

Green, G. and Straw, N. (2002). Monitoring insect populations in the Level II study plots. Unpublished Report, Entomology Department, Forest Research.

Kennedy, F. (2002). Annual progress report July 2002 (first year) of the Forestry Commission contract within the Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial ecosystems. Forest Research, Farnham.

Lenaerts, J., Whitby, C., Vanguelova, E., Pitman, R., H.M. Lappin-Scott and Lynch, J. (2005). Forest soil nitrogen in relation to soil microbial diversity and functions. Forestry Commission Report, Alice Holt, Farnham, 22 pp.

Morison, J., Matthews, R., Perks, M., Randle, T., Vanguelova, E.I., White, M. and Yamulki S. (2008) The Carbon and GHG Balance of UK Forests – a Review. Report for the Forestry Commission, 130 pp.

Pitman, R.M., and Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2001a). Leaf area, biomass and physiological parameterisation of ground vegetation of lowland oak woodland; consequences for carbon flux modelling. Forest Research internal report.

Pitman, R.M., and Broadmeadow, M.S.J. (2001b). Oak litter fall analysis 1998-2000: Alice Holt and Grizedale. Forest Research internal report.

Straw, N. (2002). Estimating populations of the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum) using yellow sticky traps: calibration of trap catches against counts of aphids in the canopy. Unpublished Report, Entomology Department, Forest Research.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2002). Soil acidification and fine root response of Scots pine. Unpublished PhD thesis, The University of Reading, UK.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). BioSoil in the UK. Report to the EU, April 2009.

Vanguelova, E. and Broadmeadow S. (2008). Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and Acidification of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Annual report of the Forest Research sub-contract to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, November 2008.

Conferences, symposia and seminars (oral and poster presentations)

Benham, S., Pitman, R. and Moffat, A.J. (2009). Forest Research’s long term monitoring in British forests: implementation, findings and opportunities’. British Ecological Society Meeting, October 2009: ‘Long term monitoring in woodlands’

Broadmeadow, M., Hendry, S., Durrant, D., Vanguelova, E., Benham, S., Moffat, A. and Wilkinson, M. (2003). Woodland monitoring in the UK. Presentation to JNCC Air Pollution and Ecosystem Change Symposium, Caernarfon, 28-29 October 2003.

Kitchen, K., Moffat, A.J., Wilkinson, M. and Lafont, S. (2007). Climate change and forest fires in the UK – possible impacts. Presentation to Wildfire 2007.

Moffat, AJ. (2009). Evaluation of mineral weathering in UK Level II sites Presentation to Forest Soil Expert Panel Meeting, Brussels, December 2009.

Moffat, A.J. (2010). Forest monitoring and ecosystem services. Meeting on the value of forest monitoring networks COFORD, Ireland, 4th March 2010.

Moffat, A.J. and Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). ‘Forestry, forest soils and ecosystem services’. Meeting of the Institute of Professional Soil Scientists, London, 8th October 2009.

Morison, J.I. (2010). Seeing the wood and the trees: renewed requirements for forest measurement and monitoring in a changing environment. Meeting on the value of forest monitoring networks COFORD, Ireland, 4th March 2010.

Pitman, R, Barsoum, N., Wilkinson, M. and Vanguelova, E. (2005). Environmental Factors at the Oak Woodlands in the EU Long-term (Level II) monitoring programme. BES Atlantic woodlands conference, 2005, Oban.

Pitman R., Vanguelova, E.I., and Benham B. (2008). Effects of phytophagous insects on the nutrient fluxes through forest stands in the UK Level II network. Poster presentation at the COST Strategic Workshop: Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Identifying Future Monitoring and Research Needs 11-13 March 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.

Vanguelova, E. (2007). Forest soil monitoring in the UK. Wytham Environmental Research Seminar, Oxford University Field Station, 4th December 2007.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2008). Responses of forest soils to pollution recovery – evidence from the UK. Oral presentation at the14th EU Forest Soil Expert Panel Meeting, UN/ECE International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forest, Florence, Italy, 16-18 April 2008.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2008). Forest soil monitoring in the UK. Oral presentation at the Workshop “BioSoil” in the EUROSOIL CONGRESS, Vienna, Austria, August 25 – 29, 2008.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2008). Impacts of acid and N deposition on forest soils. Presentation at the RoTAP meeting, DEFRA, London, 2 October 2008.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2008). Evaluation of carbon stocks and changes in UK forest soils. Oral Presentation at the SEESOIL annual meeting, NSRI, Cranfield University, 2nd December 2008.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). Estimation of soil carbon stocks and changes in UK forest soils. Invited oral presentation at the BSSS meeting, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-7 May 2009.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). Soil carbon stocks and changes in UK soils. Presentation at a Workshop “Review of the carbon in forestry”, Alice Holt, Forest Research, 10 February 2009

Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). Soil sustainability research. FUTUREforest INTEREG project “Trees and woodlands helping Europe tackle climate change”, meeting in Abergavenny, South Wales, 25-27 March 2009.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). BioSoil – forest soil monitoring network. Seminar at Alice Holt, Forest Research, 3 April.

Vanguelova, E.I. (2009). Evaluation of the quality and changes in UK forest soils. Presentation at EU Biosoil workshop, Brussels, November 2009.

Vanguelova, E.I., Moffat, A.J., Nortcliff, S. and Kennedy, F. (2004). Fine roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) as affected by aluminium and soil acidity. COST E38: Woody Root Processes under a Changing Environment, Workshop, 27-30 October, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 15.

Vanguelova, E., Moffat, A.J., Nortcliff, S. and Kennedy, F.M. (2004). Soil acidification as influenced by natural and manipulated environmental conditions: implications for productivity and nutrition. In international Symposium “Forest soils under global and local changes: from research to practice”, 15 – 18 September 2004, Bordeaux, France, Abstracts pp.94-97.

Vanguelova, E., Moffat, A.J. and Lynch, J. (2006). Impact of forestry on soil quality in the UK. Expert Workshop on Definition of Best Indicators for Biodiversity and Soil Quality for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), 12-13 June, University of Surrey.

Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S. and Pitman R. (2007). Trends in rainfall, throughfall and soil solution chemistry in the Level II long term forest monitoring plots. Oral presentation at the SEESOIL winter meeting, CEC, University of Surrey, 11 December 2007.

Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S. and Pitman R. (2007). Changes in rainfall, throughfall and soil solution chemistry in the Level II long term forest monitoring plots. ICP seminar on Forest Focus monitoring in the northern countries. Finland, 27-28 November 2007.

Vanguelova, E.I., Benham B. and Pitman, R. (2008). What has forest monitoring shown, and how can be adapted for future drivers? Oral presentation at the COST Strategic Workshop: Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Identifying Future Monitoring and Research Needs 11-13 March 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.

Vanguelova, E.I., Benham B. and Pitman, R. (2008). Trends in rainfall, throughfall and soil solution chemistry in the Level II long term forest monitoring plots in the UK. Oral presentation at the CAPER meeting, 17-19 March 2008, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor, Wales.

Vanguelova, E.I., Pitman, R., Benham, S., Hendry, S., Kennedy, F. (2008). The effects of N and S deposition on tree nutrition and ground vegetation. Presentation at the RoTAP meeting, DEFRA, London, 23 October 2008.

Vanguelova, E.I., Nisbet, T. and Moffat, A. (2009). Evaluation of carbon stocks in UK forest soils. In 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON 2009, Liisa Ukonmaanoho, Tiina M. Nieminen and Mike Starr (eds.), pp. 320

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