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Contact Us

We are always happy to receive enquiries, however due to the high volume of requests you might experience a long delay in our reply. To minimise this we have compiled a list of resources below where you might find answers to your questions without having to contact us.

Many of our enquiries fall into common topic areas.  You are likely to find the answers to the following topics at the links shown:

Media enquiries:

For media queries between 9am and 6pm on weekdays, please telephone 0330 041 6560

Pest and diseases, and tree health in general:

Reporting issues/concerns with the health of trees in general (link to TreeAlert)

Enquiries on a range of pest and disease

Enquiries on Chalara Ash Dieback

Enquiries on Acute Oak Decline

Enquiries on Oak Processionary Moth

Enquiries on Gypsy Moth

Plant, Tree, Soil, and Water testing:

Enquiries about what we may be able to help with

The forest estate (Forest Research is not a land manager):

Enquiries relating to forested land –




Work experience/jobs/student enquiries, etc.:

Please contact:

In this section