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Themes: Forest Management

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768 Search Results

  • Research

    Extension of the Climate Change Hub

    Research project exploring how to enhance the Climate Change Hub to better engage forestry practitioners and stakeholders. It aims to expand the Hub's content to include mitigation guidance.
  • Research

    Expanding Agroforestry: A Tree Species Guide for Agroforestry in the UK

    This ‘Tree Species Guide for UK Agroforestry Systems’ provides an overview of 33 species of trees and shrubs that could be planted in UK agroforestry systems.
  • Publications

    Non-hazardous rapeseed oil spray adjuvants for Rhododendron ponticum shrub control

    Lead Author: Ian Willoughby
    Non-hazardous rapeseed oil spray adjuvants do not improve the rainfastness or effectiveness of glyphosate for Rhododendron ponticum shrub control.
  • Publications

    The UK Forestry Standard 2023

    The UKFS is the technical standard for forestry across the UK, which provides the foundation for sustainable forest management. It has been developed specifically for forestry in the UK and is based on applying internationally agreed criteria which support the delivery of sustainable forest management and recognise the need to balance environmental, economic and social […]
  • Research

    Understanding the Public Value of Trees outside Woodlands: Peri-Urban and Rural (ToWPUR)

    This project will gather evidence to better understand the social and cultural value of an understudied part of English treescapes: Trees outside Woodlands in peri-urban and rural areas (ToWPUR). The research will feed into a variety of policy aims relating to the societal benefits and impact of tree-planting and management.
  • Research

    Mapping the Social Benefits of Woodland Creation and Expansion

    This research aims to outline what would be needed and what the benefits would be in establishing a longitudinal research network of new planting sites with local communities in different locations to monitor the social benefits, attitudes, actions, motivations and barriers associated with this planting over time.
  • Research

    Understanding and Supporting Public Access to Woodlands

    Research project to gather evidence to better understand, enable and support public access to woodlands in England. There are currently evidence gaps in meeting the aims of the England Tree Action Plan and the forthcoming Woodland Access Implementation Plan. This research will contribute directly to the delivery and implementation of the plans.
  • Research

    Green Finance in the Context of UK’s Trees, Woods, and Forests

    There is a need for Green Finance mechanisms to increase private investment in UK woodland creation and tree planting. Forest Research is exploring existing evidence on this topic, identifying innovative mechanisms, existing case studies and research gaps.
  • Research

    SUPERB – Upscaling Forest Restoration

    Forest Research, working with Forestry and Land Scotland, is leading a forest restoration Demo for the EU Horizon2020 “SUPERB” project. This demonstrates conversion to continuous cover forestry, establishment of high-elevation forests, and riparian woodlands with natural flood management measures, and will work with stakeholders to examine potential for upscaling.
  • Research

    Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities

    In this project we explored what hinders and enables researchers, policymakers and practitioners in their work protecting native trees and forests in New Zealand/Aotearoa and Wales/Cymru. This is an international collaborative project between the two countries called Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Dutch elm disease in Great Britain

    Lead Author: John Gibbs
    RIN 252 (1994) Out of print research publications from the 1980s and 1990s. Please note that since publication the products named may have been withdrawn or changed formulation, services may no longer be available, legislation superseded and addresses and contacts changed.
  • Research