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Themes: Forest Management

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596 Search Results

  • Publications

    Non-hazardous rapeseed oil spray adjuvants for Rhododendron ponticum shrub control

    Lead Author: Ian Willoughby
    Non-hazardous rapeseed oil spray adjuvants do not improve the rainfastness or effectiveness of glyphosate for Rhododendron ponticum shrub control.
  • Publications

    The UK Forestry Standard 2023

    The UKFS is the technical standard for forestry across the UK, which provides the foundation for sustainable forest management. It has been developed specifically for forestry in the UK and is based on applying internationally agreed criteria which support the delivery of sustainable forest management and recognise the need to balance environmental, economic and social […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Dutch elm disease in Great Britain

    Lead Author: John Gibbs
    RIN 252 (1994) Out of print research publications from the 1980s and 1990s. Please note that since publication the products named may have been withdrawn or changed formulation, services may no longer be available, legislation superseded and addresses and contacts changed.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Revised windiness scores for the windthrow hazard classification: the revised scoring method

    Lead Author: C.P. Quine
    RIN 230 (1993) Out of print research publications from the 1980s and 1990s. Please note that since publication the products named may have been withdrawn or changed formulation, services may no longer be available, legislation superseded and addresses and contacts changed.
  • Publications

    Revised valuation of flood regulation services of existing forest cover to inform natural capital accounts.

    Lead Author: Samantha Broadmeadow
    The ability of trees, woodlands and forests to reduce downstream flooding is increasingly recognised and valued by society, driving a demand for assessments of this important ecosystem service. This study updates a previous evaluation (Broadmeadow et al., 2018) with improved estimates for the volume of flood water potentially removed by woodland or retained by its […]
  • Publications

    Acetamiprid used to prevent Hylobius abietis damaging young trees poses a very low risk of causing water contamination provided good forestry practices are followed

    Lead Author: Huw Thomas
    A study of chemical runoff following the use of acetamiprid as a pre-treatment and top-up spray to prevent damage from the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.) to young trees was undertaken at a restock site in mid-Wales. The site was specifically selected to pose a high risk of chemical runoff, being a high elevation, […]
  • Publications

    An analysis of conifer experiments in Britain to identify productive alternatives to Sitka spruce

    Lead Author: Victoria Stokes
    An analysis of relevant species trials was carried out to assess the productivity of potential alternative conifer species to Sitka spruce on upland site types in Britain. Data from 87 forest experiments planted between 1929 and 1995 were analysed to compare long-term performance of 52 species with that of Sitka spruce under the same conditions and site type.
  • Publications

    Intimate mixtures of Scots pine and Sitka spruce do not increase resilience to spring drought

    Lead Author: Tom Ovenden
    Understanding how we can increase the resilience of forest systems to future extreme drought events is increasingly important as these events become more frequent and intense. Diversifying production forests using intimate mixtures of trees with complementary functional traits is considered as one promising silvicultural approach that may increase drought resilience. However, the direction and magnitude […]
  • Publications

    How resilient are planted UK forests to drought? A summary of recent research on Sitka spruce and Scots pine.

    Lead Author: Tom Ovenden
    As our climate warms, the pressures on global forest ecosystems from extreme climate events are expected to increase across much of the world (Anderegg et al., 2020; Brodribb et al., 2020). Of particular concern is the increasing threat to tree health and productivity posed by drought. Despite a predominantly cool maritime climate, forest ecosystems in […]
  • Publications

    The potential of the selective graminicides cycloxydim and propyzamide as habitat improvement tools for the pearl-bordered fritillary butterfly

    Lead Author: Matt Parratt
    The pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne) is a resident UK butterfly which is in decline, partly because grasses can outcompete its preferred food plant, common dog-violet (Viola riviniana). We therefore investigated whether using graminicides could help to enhance the habitat quality of a violet-rich butterfly ride. Applications of 1.5 kg a.i. ha-1 propyzamide or 0.45 kg a.i. ha-1 cycloxydim both reduced grass cover and were associated with an increase in violet plants. Our work suggests that enhancing pearl-bordered fritillary habitat may not always be possible through herbicide use alone, but cycloxydim may have a useful role in helping to reduce competition from grasses.
  • Publications

    Adapting forest and woodland management to the changing climate

    Lead Author: Gail Atkinson
    Our climate is changing rapidly, with milder, wetter winters, warmer summers, longer growing seasons and more frequent extreme conditions, including drought periods and heavy rainfall events. The projected rate of climate change is unprecedented and therefore action is essential now to improve the resilience of forests and woodlands, and to protect the benefits that they […]
  • Publications

    Threshold Response to Extreme Drought Shifts Inter-Tree Growth Dominance in Pinus sylvestris

    Lead Author: Tom Ovenden
    Many studies quantify short-term drought impact on tree growth relative to pre-drought growth averages. However, fewer studies examine the extent to which droughts of differing severity differentially impact tree growth or shape stand dynamics. Focusing on three droughts in high and low density stands of Pinus sylvestris in Scotland, we calculated pre-drought growth averages using […]