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1499 Search Results

  • Publications

    Further paths to embracing trees on farms: The role of social and cultural values

    Lead Author: Maddy Pearson
    What leads some farmers to dramatically increase the number of trees on their land? What role do social and cultural values play? And how do values and behaviour interact? This Research Note presents accounts from four farms which have substantially increased tree cover, foregrounding the farmers’ stories to focus on the role social and cultural values […]
  • Publications

    The management and creation of woodland for biodiversity and wider environmental benefits

    Lead Author: Joe Beesley
    Woodland creation and management deliver a wide range of environmental benefits. The extent of those benefits is determined by a range of factors, including the type of woodland, the way it is managed, and its position in the landscape. This Research Note summarises current evidence on how the management, creation, and configuration of woodlands within […]
  • Publications

    Managing forest operations to protect the water environment

    This Practice Guide provides advice to forest managers, practitioners, planners and supervisors, on how forest operations should be planned and managed to protect the water environment.
  • Publications

    In Brief: Timber prices and elasticities for emerging species and different product categories

    Lead Author: Robert Hattersley
    This In Brief summarises a report on future timber prices and price elasticities of demand for emerging species and different product categories. The report reviewed existing studies, focusing on those most relevant to UK timber markets. The emerging species considered are those tree species predicted to have a more prominent role in UK forestry in […]
  • Publications

    In Brief: Increasing tree cover on cereal farms in England

    Lead Author: Grace van der Wielen
    This In Brief summarises our recently published Research Report, which explored the issues that matter to cereal farmers in England in relation to trees and tree cover on their farms. The In Brief reports on the general findings of the research, outlines the findings to the research question ‘what matters to cereal farmers?’ and explains […]
  • Publications

    Increasing tree cover on cereal farms in England: the role of farmers’ values

    Lead Author: Grace van der Wielen
    This Research Report explores the issues that matter to cereal farmers in England in relation to trees and tree cover on their farms. Looking beyond just financial considerations, this report explore which factors guide and shape farmer attitudes to and behaviours regarding trees and tree cover. If we can learn what farmers value in relation […]
  • Publications

    Rapid review of evidence on biodiversity in Great Britain’s commercial forests

    Lead Author: Nadia Barsoum
    This publication provides a rapid review and analysis of evidence of the biodiversity supported by commercial high forests in Great Britain. The overall aim of the review is to explore whether there is sufficient evidence to understand relationships between these forest types and their associated biodiversity and to identify gaps in understanding. Such a review […]
  • Publications

    Timber properties of species with potential for wider planting in Great Britain

    Lead Author: Andrew Price
    This publication summarises a study into the main physical and mechanical properties of eight lesser planted forestry species in the UK: European silver fir, Pacific silver fir, grand fir, Caucasian fir, Serbian spruce, Japanese red cedar, sycamore and silver birch. There is currently limited information available on their wood properties when grown in the UK, […]
  • Publications

    Tree Species Guide for UK Agroforestry Systems

    This tree species guide provides an overview of the physical characteristics, environmental tolerances, silvicultural characteristics, and ecosystem services and disservices for a selection of 33 species of trees and shrubs that could be planted in UK agroforestry systems. This guide has been produced in partnership with the University of Reading, following a rapid review of […]
  • Publications

    The Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network

    Lead Author: Racheal Lee
    This article, published in the Journal of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGjournal), outlines the work of the Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network (WPHSN), a Welsh Government funded plant health initiative. Launched in 2022 by Forest Research (FR), the primary aim of the WPHSN is to monitor the presence and absence of native and invasive […]
  • Publications

    Forestry Facts and Figures 2024

    This booklet contains a summary of statistics about woodland and forestry and includes sections on woodland area, timber and wood products, imports and exports, economics, employment, woodland visits, international comparisons and the environment. The complete statistics for 2024, are available from Forestry Statistics. This year’s edition of the booklet was published on Thursday 26 September 2024. A […]
  • Publications

    Exploring Trees outside of Woodland in Peri-Urban and Rural settings (ToWPUR) – Social and Cultural Values

    Lead Author: Beth Brockett
    From planted avenues to lone trees to hedgerows, Trees outside of Woodland in Peri-urban and Rural contexts (ToWPUR) make up a significant percentage of our tree canopy. In this interactive visualisation, we invite you to explore the social and cultural values related to these trees and hedgerows. We illustrate what these values are, why they […]