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Ella joined Forest Research in July 2022. Prior to joining Forest Research, Ella was a Research Associate at Cardiff University working on a Community Supported Agriculture project as well as leading a tree and timber audit for a Local Authority, advising on decarbonising their tree management and timber supply chain.

Ella did her PhD research in public involvement in forest restoration in the Scottish Highlands, having previously completed an MSc in Social Research Methods, looking at ecological restoration policy, both at Cardiff University in Wales. Previously, she did an MSc in Forestry and led research into community forests and climate change adaptation at the University of British Columbia, Canada.

Ella has both scientific and practical expertise in forests, trees, and wood. She is a qualified furniture maker and chainsaw operator, and previously managed a therapeutic wood workshop.

Social Scientist
Society and environment research group (SERG)

Forest Research 620 Bristol Business Park Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1EJ UK

Other Research

Ella is working on research projects examining the management of tree health, pests and diseases and public biosecurity behaviours.
She is also interested in a broad range of research topics
concerning forests:

Human behaviour as it relates to trees and forests

Human connection to nature

Community management of trees, woodlands and forests

Climate adaptation in trees,
woodlands and forests

Timber use and acceptability of different species

Relocalisation in the UK timber supply chain

Peer reviewed journal articles

Furness, E., Sanderson Bellamy, A., Clear, A., Mitchell
Finnigan, S., Meador, J. E., Mills, S., Milne, A. E., & Sharp, R. T.
(2022). Communication and building social capital in community supported
agriculture. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.

Furness, E. (2021). Understanding the lived experience of
connection to nature. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(7).

Furness, E. (2021). How participation in ecological
restoration can foster a connection to nature. Restoration Ecology. doi:10.1111/rec.13430

Bellamy, A. S., Furness, E., Nicol, P., Pitt, H., &
Taherzadeh, A. (2021). Shaping more resilient and just food systems: Lessons
from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ambio, 50(4), 782-793.
DOI 10.1007/s13280-021-01532-y

Furness, E. and Nelson, H. (2015) Are human values and
community participation key to climate adaptation? The case of community forest
organisations in British Columbia. Climatic Change, pp. 1-17. DOI 10.1007/s10584-015-1564-2

Furness, E., Harshaw, H. and Nelson, H. (2015) Community
forestry in British Columbia: Policy progression and public participation.
Forest Policy and Economics 58, pp. 85-91. DOI 10.1016/j.forpol.2014.12.005

Furness, E., and Nelson, H. (2012) Community forest
organizations and adaptation to climate change in British Columbia. The
Forestry Chronicle. 88:5 DOI 10.5558/tfc2012-099

Furness, E. (2012)
Adapting to Climate Change: Are British Columbia’s Community Forests Meeting
the Challenge? British Columbia Community Forest Association, Extension Note 6.

Furness, E. (2012)
The Adaptive Capacity of Community Forests to Climate Change. Report
commissioned by Natural Resources Canada for the Canadian Forest Service.

Furness, E. Three chapters in Mulkey, S. and Day, J.K.
(Eds). (2012) The community forestry guidebook II: Effective governance and
forest management. FORREX Forum for Research and Extension in Natural Resources
& British Columbia Community Forest Association. ISBN 978-1-894822-12-1